First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 408.1229 Finn Langkjær Production Optics- S DNK U langkjaer Lunde SG&I
2 99.72 406.9947 Rasmus Milling Varmdal Open- - DNK U milling Lunde skytteforening
3 86.70 353.8431 Mikkel Eriksen Production- - DNK U Lunde SG&I
4 79.41 324.0751 Keld Knudsen Production Optics- - DNK U keldknudsen Oksbøl Militær Idræt Skydning
5 79.40 324.0380 Carsten Husman Open+ - DNK U husman Lunde SG&I
6 70.23 286.6213 Jens Mathiesen Standard+ S DNK U Lunde SG&I
7 69.53 283.7665 Poul Gudmundsson Standard- - DNK U Lunde skytteforening
8 67.48 275.4013 jakob schultz Revolver- S DNK U OPSF
9 66.65 272.0083 Mads Hedegård Nilsen Classic- - DNK U mhn
10 64.62 263.7335 Morten Vestergaard Pedersen Production Optics- S DNK U
11 63.12 257.5907 Otto Haue Production Optics- - DNK U Lunde SG&I
12 61.26 250.0180 Emil Guldbrandsen Production Optics- - DNK U guld DSØ
13 50.50 206.1077 Per Laursen Standard- S DNK U per DSØ
14 50.17 204.7367 Lars Drudgaard Production Optics- S DNK U Akademisk Skytteforening Aarhus
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