First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 499.6847 Kyrre Lee Production Optics- S SWE U bombom Stockholm MGC
2 97.62 487.7931 Erik Bjalkvall Open+ S SWE U 3gunner Stockholms LVF
3 90.07 450.0411 Ariel Ramirez Open- - SWE U ramirez SSK
4 90.00 449.7209 Kristian Haanpää Production Optics- - SWE U ESs
5 88.81 443.7931 Fredrik Holmström Production Optics- - SWE U Guds
6 86.36 431.5233 Joakim Rudensten Open+ S SWE U jr528swed Linköping Shooting Club
7 85.97 429.5778 Fredrik Wildemo Production- S SWE U fredwild STHLM M&P
8 80.93 404.3797 Mats V Production Optics- S SWE U wibbe STHLM M&P
9 80.19 400.7052 Sven Lundin Production Optics- - SWE U lundin Livgardets Skytteförening
10 79.60 397.7552 Matheo Chow Production Optics- J SWE U BBSKF
11 78.56 392.5756 Tina Oskarsson Production Optics- L SWE U xena Växjö PK
12 76.59 382.7250 Michael Nordell Open+ S SWE U dude SSK
13 76.43 381.8852 Von Batti Production- S SWE U vonbatti Stockholms LVF
14 75.13 375.4216 Simon Fant Standard+ - SWE U SSK
15 73.61 367.8174 Ronny Andreassen Standard+ S SWE U matrix99 SPSF
16 70.73 353.4056 Michael Fondelius Production Optics- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
17 70.71 353.3134 Jesper Sternhoff Production Optics- S SWE U GUDS
18 70.67 353.1306 S Haglund Production Optics- - SWE U MPS
19 69.36 346.5885 Mikael Wallander Open- - SWE U Berga SKF
20 66.16 330.5694 Mr Andersson Production- - SWE U andersson Uppsala DS
21 64.99 324.7565 Odd Olsson Production Optics- S SWE U TSKF
22 63.53 317.4552 Mattias Wrande Production Optics- - SWE U TSKF
23 59.78 298.7237 Fredrik Andreas Production Optics- S SWE U TSKF
24 59.04 295.0346 Johan Lindgren Production- - SWE U joli ECDS
25 58.40 291.8318 Isak Martinsson Production- - SWE U isak Livgardets Skytteförening
26 57.16 285.6229 Andreas Lilljebjörn Production Optics- - SWE A Ballongberget
27 56.27 281.1528 Carl Tullberg Production- S SWE U BallisticS
28 55.80 278.8008 Gustav Dahlin Production- S SWE U Tyresö SKF
29 54.72 273.4238 Conny Chow Production Optics- SS SWE U konta BBSKF
30 53.79 268.7774 Joel Sundstedt Production- - SWE U josu Stockholms LVF
31 53.68 268.2202 Jonas R Sthlm Production Optics- - SWE U VDS
32 53.39 266.7674 Joakim Kaneröd Standard+ S SWE U jockek Linköping Shooting Club
33 52.93 264.4870 Torbjörn Sjöström Open- - SWE U tsjostrom BallisticS
34 51.30 256.3603 Marcus Lydén Production- - SWE U Berga skytteförening
35 50.53 252.4911 Max Andersson Production- - SWE U maxan Rosersberg
36 50.41 251.8884 Kev Norman Production- - SWE U kevno BBSKF
37 50.32 251.4293 Fredrik Vasara Standard- - SWE U oakstream Uppsala DS
38 50.10 250.3287 Fredrik Pejlert Production Optics- S SWE U fpt Rosersberg
39 50.00 249.8258 chris jonkers Open- S SWE U chijo GuDS
40 49.26 246.1602 Malik Thor Production Optics- - SWE U malle Stockholms LVF
41 49.14 245.5310 Jonas Emilsson Production Optics- - SWE U Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
42 43.28 216.2879 Per Jonasson Production Optics- GS SWE U perra SMGC
43 40.94 204.5485 Bengt Siverling Production Optics- S SWE U svingaling Ballongberget Skf
44 39.87 199.2147 Herman Alklint Standard- - SWE U hemme LPK
45 39.29 196.3069 Anders Blomqvist Production- - SWE U blomman Roslagens pistolskyttar
46 37.88 189.2752 Björn Videnberg Standard- S SWE U SMGC
47 37.83 189.0356 Reine Oxfält Production- S SWE U oxen Stockholm MGC skf
48 35.86 179.1946 Ulf Moen Production Optics- S SWE U moen Stockholms LVF
49 35.75 178.6266 Tomas Lundgren Production Optics- S SWE U lunkan01 Stockholms LVF
50 34.84 174.0816 Stilianos Birbakos Production Optics- - SWE U stelios VDS
51 34.26 171.2011 John Söderberg Standard- - SWE U SMGC
52 32.13 160.5427 Andy Sundblad Classic- - SWE U asundblad
53 31.47 157.2610 Terés Gustafsson Standard- L SWE U Jämjö Sportskytteklubb
54 28.78 143.8183 Leo Lundgren Production- - SWE U overflow GUDS
55 27.83 139.0690 Alexander Lind Production Optics- - SWE U mungo S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
56 23.50 117.4348 Thomas Timber Production Optics- - SWE U BBSKF
57 13.74 68.6672 Nadine Johansson Standard- L SWE U SMGC
58 12.64 63.1569 Anna Mpoyi Standard- L SWE U BBSKF
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