First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 549.5215 Markus Alvestad Standard+ - NOR U maxks
2 95.95 527.2801 Tore Haugli Standard+ - NOR M thaugli NOP
3 77.87 427.9228 Ole Morten Knudsen Standard- - NOR U SPK
4 73.46 403.6549 Tomas Huseby Standard+ S NOR U stiboy ASK
5 70.59 387.9127 Kai Smedstuen Standard- S NOR U steelhunter SPK
6 52.66 289.4028 Bjørn Hunn Standard+ - NOR U bjorn SPK
7 35.63 195.8125 Sonny Roos Standard+ - NOR U pri3st SPK
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