First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1946.0946 Darnell Castillo Production - GBR U darnell LPSAA Wildcats/MTP
2 95.81 1864.5444 Richard Van Der Wel Production S NLD U DutchShootingsupply
3 90.37 1758.7635 Oliver Matußek Production - DEU U AIPSC Team Niederrhein
4 86.57 1684.6487 Nick Papakostas Production - NLD U SV Monster
5 83.46 1624.1895 Don De Rooij Production S NLD A donnyd SV Langedijk
6 78.56 1528.8499 Vitalii Nesterchuk Production - POL U
7 74.49 1449.6357 Adrian T. Kubitza / Kubica Production - DEU U
8 68.84 1339.7380 Wai Lam Production - NLD U Alpha Maniacs (s.v. Alphen)
9 61.21 1191.1933 Rene Van Dam Production S NLD U
10 60.82 1183.5254 Karl Tapawan Production - PHL U karl FSMOC/ISMOC
11 59.13 1150.7468 Marc Cauchies Production SS BEL U La Défense
12 51.48 1001.9141 Peter Aubroeck Production - NLD U Delta
13 44.84 872.5665 Theo Van Betuw Production SS NLD U
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