First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1902.0608 David Meuken Production Optics - NLD U TITAN Power Shooting team
2 95.00 1806.9616 Alexis Kauth Production Optics - DEU U
3 90.31 1717.8131 Jeroen Berkepeis Production Optics - NLD U Shogun Samurai
4 86.14 1638.4009 Caspar Wingelaar Production Optics - NLD U Shogun Samurai
5 78.57 1494.4282 Hans Wigger Production Optics SS NLD U machinegun Bunker-501
6 65.18 1239.8247 zaid al korany Production Optics - IRQ U goldfish Bunker 501
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