First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 500.7684 Wout Van Mieghem Production- - BEL U EBSA Battice Belgium
2 91.33 457.3586 Denis Supica Production- - DEU A topperharley 7HGC e.V.
3 89.22 446.8095 Nicolas Van der Linden Production- - BEL U EBSA Battice Belgium
4 86.30 432.1756 Timmermans Vincent Production- - BEL U EBSA Battice Belgium
5 76.58 383.5067 Chris Kann Production- - DEU U 1473
6 70.40 352.5302 David Hamann Production- - DEU U SSV Odendorf e.V.
7 59.67 298.7894 Yasin Yasar Production- - DEU U Schützenverein Langenfeld 1834 e.V.
8 58.41 292.5174 Bernhard Schäl Production- - DEU U
9 55.31 276.9540 Ingo Foster Production- S DEU U tst 1473 Bonn
10 52.48 262.8038 Daniel Gieseler Production- - DEU U Seven Hills Gun Club
11 48.13 241.0370 Christian Lemp Production- - DEU U 7 HGC
12 47.49 237.7952 Detlef Schmidt Production- SS DEU U 1473 Bonn
13 47.46 237.6871 Günter Kleiner Production- - DEU U 1473 Bonn
14 47.29 236.8285 Alex Foster Production- J DEU U 1473 Bonn
15 37.22 186.4002 Ernst Grassmann Production- S DEU U GKS
16 36.31 181.8304 Leo Balzer Production- SS DEU U GKS
17 25.19 126.1257 Thomas Schüller Production- - DEU U SSV Rurtal
18 16.19 81.0756 Sascha Korten Production- - DEU U 1473 Bonn
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