First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 367.6671 Petter Solås Production- - NOR U BEP
2 93.60 344.1290 Atle Meyer Production- - NOR U meyer BEP
3 92.01 338.2817 Vidar T. Olsen Production- S NOR U Nordhordland Pistolklubb
4 57.19 210.2535 Øyvind Bleie Production- SS NOR U oble BEP
5 56.91 209.2460 Frode Lyngbø Production- - NOR U camouflage Nordhordland Pistolklubb
6 32.23 118.4878 Vemund Skage Production- - NOR U BEP
7 30.15 110.8696 Vidar Wennevik Production- S NOR U BEP
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