First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 674.2215 Geir Kvæl Production- S NOR U gk65 SDS
2 88.96 599.7686 Andreas Granberg Production- - SWE U roadrunner BSSK
3 88.20 594.6495 Henrik Smeds Production- - SWE U smeden NLSC
4 84.65 570.7151 jim sæther Production- - NOR U superted SDS
5 75.58 509.5499 Tim Torstensen Production- - SWE U Umeå Pk
6 66.93 451.2874 Johan Nyström Production- - SWE U Arvidsjaur dynamiska skyttar
7 58.85 396.7549 Bjørn Madsen Production- - NOR U madlate SDS
8 39.35 265.3227 Richard Granström Production- - SWE U Arvidsjaur IPSC
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