First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 523.8150 Gunnar Lie Sandbæk Production- S NOR U gundis Råde Pistollag
2 98.33 515.0913 Martin Due Production- S NOR U lonsesomedove FSSD
3 91.21 477.7491 Petter Korsell Production- S NOR U Fssl
4 87.30 457.2841 Nils Knut Lindbo Production- SS NOR U urogallus HPI
5 75.00 392.8833 Petter Joachim Angel Joachimsen Production- S NOR U FSSD
6 71.74 375.7768 Niels-Jørgen Lauritzen Production- S NOR U njl FSSD
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