First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 483.2784 Christian Schmidt Production Optics- S DEU C chris1904 PSC e.V.
2 96.45 466.1337 Harald Leidereiter Production Optics- S DEU U tomcat SSV Rurtal
3 89.60 433.0215 Jean-Michel Jansen Production Optics- SS BEL U
4 89.00 430.1304 Helmut Friedrich Production Optics- S DEU U SSV Rurtal
5 46.37 224.1141 Franco Amenta Production Optics- S DEU U BDS Gruppe Polch
6 36.53 176.5261 Michael Enkel Production Optics- S DEU U 1473 Bonn
7 34.39 166.2121 Thomas Jaskolski Production Optics- S DEU U BDS Gruppe Polch
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