First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 793.7765 Prashant Singh Standard- - ZAF U PMPSC
2 92.72 736.0222 Paul Theart Standard+ - ZWE U Magnum
3 73.35 582.2312 Quentin Briggs Standard- - ZAF U qtb Golden City
4 66.95 531.4458 Sean Anderson Standard- S ZAF U Guns at work
5 65.24 517.8444 Fayyaadh Ahmed Standard+ - ZWE U Sporting
6 57.05 452.8135 Lehlohonolo Moloi Standard- - USA U Golden city club shoot
7 54.72 434.3199 Albert Ludick Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
8 17.34 137.6530 Zakir Gani Standard- - ZAF U Golden city
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