First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 418.3113 Aleksander Norr Production Optics- - NOR U anorr Okts
2 92.07 385.1325 Nils Oddvar Midtun Production Optics- - NOR U nilso RPK
3 89.55 374.5954 Mattias Jonsson Production Optics- - NOR U mattias44 RPK
4 71.61 299.5520 Magnus Myrseth Production Optics- - NOR U magnusm RPK
5 55.89 233.8148 Stian Kristoffersen Production Optics- - NOR U naits HPI
6 27.46 114.8618 Stian Nordskog Production Optics- - NOR D Ringerike pistolklubb
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