First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1162.3711 Gabriel Lind Production- - SWE U gabbe Stockholms LVF
2 97.50 1133.2637 Daniel Johnson Production- - SWE U surfan UPSF
3 94.47 1098.0503 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick SSK
4 93.71 1089.2663 Jim Andersson Production- - SWE U jga81 BallisticS
5 87.38 1015.6503 Fredrik Wildemo Production- S SWE U fredwild STHLM M&P
6 87.34 1015.2202 Letuch Production- - EST M letuch 9MM
7 87.16 1013.1322 Eric Carlsson Production- - SWE U ericar Linköpingspolisens Skytteklubb
8 86.67 1007.4208 Erik Fjellström Production- - SWE U BallisticS
9 86.61 1006.7057 Joakim Östby Production- S SWE A ostby228 Uppsala DS
10 85.88 998.2179 Christoffer Rath Olsen Production- - SWE U stoffe Jönköpings PK
11 84.40 981.0774 Aleksei Zhdanov Production- - EST U TPSC
12 83.51 970.6585 Kenneth Karlsson Production- S SWE U knet Uppsala DS
13 82.25 956.0957 Ayram Shine Production- L DNK U SAS skytteklub
14 82.16 954.9646 Robert Becker Production- - SWE U becker VADS
15 79.01 918.4268 Victor Næblerød Herstad Production- - DNK U SSIN
16 77.30 898.5478 Lowe Östman Production- - SWE U GGSF
17 76.61 890.4624 Vinko Rosic Production- S SWE U vince Stockholms LVF
18 76.34 887.3340 Jonas Eklund Production- - SWE U Jönköpings PK
19 76.26 886.3883 Henrik Bergsten Production- - SWE U hbergsten GDS
20 74.94 871.0529 Olle Sjölin Production- - SWE U BallisticS
21 74.06 860.8843 Gustav Bergenstråle Production- - SWE U mtnbeam VSD
22 74.06 860.8042 Tommy Krey Production- - SWE U Jönköpings PK
23 71.67 833.0427 Mattias Jonsson Production- - NOR U mattias44 RPK
24 71.08 826.2227 Conny Valkebäck Production- - SWE U ceve Sundsvalls PK
25 70.89 823.9545 Anders Steinwall Production- - SWE U steinwall S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
26 70.86 823.6456 Gerry Strandberg Production- S SWE B gerry66 Jönköpings PK
27 69.98 813.4291 Peter Johansson Production- S SWE U pewpew Växjö PK
28 69.44 807.0954 Fredrik Lindqvist Production- S SWE U Stockholms LVF
29 69.36 806.2136 Magnus Edström Production- - SWE U mange STHLM M&P
30 69.24 804.8509 Tomas Källsen Production- - SWE U BallisticS
31 68.60 797.3922 Avrora Pugacheva Production- L EST U TPSC
32 68.44 795.5822 Martin Engström Production- - SWE U Bromma PK
33 67.11 780.0118 Christian Täfvander-Wisén Production- - SWE U kicken Sundsvalls PK
34 67.06 779.5285 Pontus Forsling Ingvarsson Production- - SWE U pappawick S.R.S.F
35 66.52 773.2621 Peter S Production- S SWE U biker66 Karlstads PSK
36 65.64 762.9946 Alexandra Shamloo Production- L SWE U Västerort DS
37 63.81 741.6519 Michael Ingvarsson Production- S SWE U grinchenmike STHLM M&P
38 63.13 733.7708 Maria Revling Production- L SWE U mhr SSF
39 62.41 725.3783 Anders P Production- S SWE U lanyc
40 62.34 724.6563 Tim Thurin Production- - SWE U BESK
41 60.93 708.2698 Mikael K Production- S SWE U kaggemos TSKF
42 60.91 708.0087 Cecilia Eronen Production- L SWE U ceer Uppsala DS
43 60.20 699.7102 Tobias Bromander Production- - SWE U Skillingaryd
44 60.10 698.6380 Claes Lindblom Production- - SWE U kocken S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
45 58.16 676.0585 Linus Wolter Production- - SWE U linusw Uppsala DS
46 56.79 660.1168 Teddy Wallin Production- - SWE U Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
47 56.52 656.9947 Roy Gharibnavaz Production- - SWE U 7005 Uppsala DS
48 56.35 654.9468 Joseph Baroshe Production- - SWE U Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
49 55.38 643.7458 Robin Eklöf Production- S SWE U Uppsala DS
50 54.97 638.9181 Carl-Fredrik Klåvus Production- - SWE U BallisticS
51 54.89 638.0287 Jonas E Production- S SWE U joero Uppsala DS
52 53.81 625.5042 Poja Ardebili Production- - SWE U Uppsala DS
53 53.49 621.7651 Magnus Carlsson Production- - SWE U Linköpingspolisens Skytteklubb
54 53.25 618.9085 Linus Swälas Production- - SWE U Uppsala DS
55 52.27 607.6227 Mounir Majdalani Production- - SWE U mounir78 Uppsala DS
56 52.26 607.4610 Zsolt Tarjanyi Production- - SWE U rookie80 Uppsala DS
57 52.22 606.9387 Jovencio III Mayor Production- - SWE U goodspeed Sundsvalls PK
58 51.42 597.7170 Tony Fast Production- - SWE U MDS
59 50.65 588.7768 Antonio Stadigh Production- - SWE U antis Uppsala DS
60 49.68 577.4792 Emil Åsberg Production- S SWE U Uppsala DS
61 49.05 570.1692 Patrik Backström Production- - SWE U Linköpingspolisen
62 45.18 525.1815 Hanna Grossmann Production- L SWE U hvg Uppsala DS
63 43.32 503.5606 Jonathan Larsson Production- - SWE U Sundsvalls PK
64 42.17 490.2289 Albin Färnström Production- S SWE U abbe Uppsala DS
65 42.00 488.2169 Nicholas Aujalay Production- - SWE U Uppsala DS
66 41.76 485.3733 Hoang Kieu Production- S SWE U UDS
67 34.98 406.5580 Vivi-Anne Karlsson Production- L SWE U vivianne BESK
68 33.05 384.1557 Johan Salo Production- - SWE U Uppsala DS
69 30.04 349.2285 Håkan Landkvist Production- - SWE U Uppsala DS
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