First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 509.7220 Ingebjørn Solheim Standard- - NOR U nobear SSS
2 94.84 483.4116 Morten Strømme Standard- - NOR U m0rten KSS
3 76.49 389.8994 Olav Austad Standard- - NOR U olav Hå Sportsskyttere
4 72.02 367.0832 Tommy Utheim Standard- - NOR U utheim Lindesnes Dynamiske Sportskyttere
5 71.57 364.7850 Mathias Oftedal Standard- - NOR U Hå Sportskyttere
6 65.23 332.4703 Freddy Søfting Standard- - NOR U KSS
7 57.19 291.5299 Rune Birketvedt Standard- S NOR U Lindesnes Dynamiske sportskyttere
8 36.97 188.4430 Solveig Engvoll Standard- J NOR U KSS
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