First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 338.9909 Anders Martin Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- S NOR U mrrealtime OKTS
2 91.55 310.3559 Frank Sandås Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- S NOR GM celeritas Flink.one
3 71.43 242.1547 Jon Skyttermoen Production Optics- S NOR U skyttis OKTS
4 70.18 237.8940 Jone Fuglestad Standard+ - NOR U jonemann OKTS
5 66.58 225.7070 Thomas Gøytil Production Optics- - NOR U itchyarrow OKTS
6 64.47 218.5445 Harald Storhaug Olsen Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- - NOR U uglyduckling OKTS
7 61.93 209.9297 Dag Moshagen Linberg Classic- - NOR U dagl Asker Skyteklubb
8 58.19 197.2589 Agnius Butenis Production- - NOR U agnius OKTS
9 51.63 175.0230 Jonas Adolphson Production- - NOR U OKTS
10 46.78 158.5752 Wenche Linberg Standard- L NOR U wenlin ASK
11 45.40 153.9052 Helge Atle Rønningsen Production- SS NOR U OKTS
12 45.28 153.4929 Ken Mikal Wongyarit Bangsund Classic+ - NOR U kenbangsund OKTS
13 41.33 140.0987 Stian Gropen Søgård Production- - NOR U OKTS
14 38.29 129.7836 Eirik Ekholdt Norland Production Optics- - NOR U OKTS
15 37.72 127.8816 Stig-Olav Hauge Open+ SS NOR U stigman OKTS
16 37.51 127.1676 Karl Heine Ulvebne Standard- - NOR U OKTS
17 34.15 115.7655 Ingrid Thea Ølberg Production- L NOR U OKTS
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