First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 583.2498 Steinar Granbo Production Optics- - NOR U granbo TDS
2 99.08 577.8769 Martin Lysvand Sollie Production Optics- - NOR U martinls TDS
3 92.54 539.7458 Alvin Alforte Open+ - NOR U doubleaa TDS
4 91.06 531.0786 Thomas Heia Østborg Production Optics- - NOR U thomasheia TDS
5 85.77 500.2296 Stig Arne Haugen Open+ - NOR U stig TDS
6 84.30 491.6589 Rune Hovde Classic- - NOR U hovde TDS
7 81.14 473.2531 Karl Torkildsen Standard+ S NOR C karl TDS
8 75.71 441.5846 Anders Engløkk Production- - NOR U ae93 TDS
9 70.00 408.2533 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Open+ SS NOR U moyesman TDS
10 69.90 407.6735 Sebastian Skjetne Standard- - NOR U TDS
11 69.81 407.1604 Anders Danielsen Production Optics- - NOR U TDS
12 69.29 404.1505 Roar Holden Standard+ S NOR U roho TDS
13 68.73 400.8416 Odd Johannessen Open+ SS NOR U odd4 TDS
14 67.16 391.7041 Kjell-Rune Aukan Production- - NOR U bane KDS
15 67.06 391.1389 Tan Nguyen Production Optics- S NOR U TDS
16 66.17 385.9607 Luigi Mario Viespoli Production- - NOR U lmv TDS
17 66.13 385.6745 Erlend Berg Standard- SS NOR U erl1 TDS
18 65.21 380.3251 Lasse Bertheussen Production Optics- - NOR U smultringen TDS
19 61.36 357.8994 Marcos Oliveira Production- - NOR U TDS
20 61.34 357.7830 Jostein Malmo Production Optics- - NOR U TDS
21 60.91 355.2535 Henrik Larsen Production- - NOR U TDS
22 59.79 348.7536 Kristian Hagemo Production Optics- - NOR U hagis Trondheim Dynamiske Sportsskyttere
23 58.80 342.9776 Lars Øivind Taugbøl Production Optics- - NOR U taugbol TDS
24 56.45 329.2651 Remi Leonhardsen Production Optics- - NOR U leo75 TDS
25 55.27 322.3407 Joakim Fjellheim Berge Production- - NOR U TDS
26 53.50 312.0651 Patrick K Worsøe Production- - NOR U TDS
27 53.47 311.8506 Odin Roald Standard- - NOR U TDS
28 53.35 311.1448 Johannes Wågen Production- - NOR U TDS
29 52.36 305.3789 Thomas Eide Production- - NOR U TDS
30 52.26 304.8241 Frederik Holden Production- - NOR U TDS
31 51.19 298.5903 Harald Onseid Production- - USA U TDS
32 49.17 286.7652 Anders Wahl Open- SS NOR U TDS
33 45.72 266.6414 Jo Anders Solli Classic- - NOR U TDS
34 44.97 262.3095 Vegard Brøtan Production- - NOR U brotan TDS
35 44.65 260.4264 Øystein Paulsen Production Optics- - NOR U BSK
36 44.60 260.1324 Oddvar Kragseth Production- S NOR U TDS
37 44.29 258.3336 Oddbjørn Bjørkeng Production- - NOR U TDS
38 43.27 252.3548 Stian Johansen Production Optics- - NOR U TDS
39 42.84 249.8607 Thoralf Moen Production- - NOR U TDS
40 42.20 246.1258 Bjørn Håvard Larsen Standard- - NOR U TDS
41 40.36 235.4027 Kai Menear Production Optics- - NOR U TDS
42 37.35 217.8399 Vegard Larsen Production- - NOR U TDS
43 34.83 203.1650 Øyvind Sandstad Production- - NOR U TDS
44 26.46 154.3270 Arne Dalhøi Open- S NOR U dinohunter Hemne Pistolklubb
45 9.95 58.0305 Idar Nebelung Standard- - NOR U TDS
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