First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 586.6807 Steinar Granbo Production Optics- - NOR U granbo TDS
2 99.08 581.2744 Martin Lysvand Sollie Production Optics- - NOR U martinls TDS
3 91.10 534.4938 Thomas Heia Østborg Production Optics- - NOR U thomasheia TDS
4 69.79 409.4693 Anders Danielsen Production Optics- - NOR U TDS
5 67.03 393.2305 Tan Nguyen Production Optics- S NOR U TDS
6 65.32 383.1923 Lasse Bertheussen Production Optics- - NOR U smultringen TDS
7 61.38 360.1019 Jostein Malmo Production Optics- - NOR U TDS
8 59.83 351.0226 Kristian Hagemo Production Optics- - NOR U hagis Trondheim Dynamiske Sportsskyttere
9 58.85 345.2599 Lars Øivind Taugbøl Production Optics- - NOR U taugbol TDS
10 56.58 331.9688 Remi Leonhardsen Production Optics- - NOR U leo75 TDS
11 44.77 262.6343 Øystein Paulsen Production Optics- - NOR U BSK
12 43.26 253.8181 Stian Johansen Production Optics- - NOR U TDS
13 40.33 236.5906 Kai Menear Production Optics- - NOR U TDS
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