First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 571.5303 Anders Engløkk Production- - NOR U ae93 TDS
2 87.82 501.9439 Kjell-Rune Aukan Production- - NOR U bane KDS
3 87.55 500.4032 Luigi Mario Viespoli Production- - NOR U lmv TDS
4 81.48 465.6843 Marcos Oliveira Production- - NOR U TDS
5 80.83 461.9784 Henrik Larsen Production- - NOR U TDS
6 73.11 417.8475 Joakim Fjellheim Berge Production- - NOR U TDS
7 70.75 404.3338 Patrick K Worsøe Production- - NOR U TDS
8 70.39 402.2832 Johannes Wågen Production- - NOR U TDS
9 69.21 395.5361 Thomas Eide Production- - NOR U TDS
10 69.16 395.2470 Frederik Holden Production- - NOR U TDS
11 67.06 383.2714 Harald Onseid Production- - USA U TDS
12 58.79 335.9930 Vegard Brøtan Production- - NOR U brotan TDS
13 58.66 335.2631 Oddbjørn Bjørkeng Production- - NOR U TDS
14 58.35 333.5118 Oddvar Kragseth Production- S NOR U TDS
15 55.78 318.8005 Thoralf Moen Production- - NOR U TDS
16 49.19 281.1414 Vegard Larsen Production- - NOR U TDS
17 46.13 263.6246 Øyvind Sandstad Production- - NOR U TDS
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