First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 70.8166 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Custom- - NOR U jaffanor HPS
2 86.79 61.4633 Arnold Dybvik Custom- - NOR U GPK
3 86.58 61.3129 Espen Mo Custom- - NOR U HPI
4 86.52 61.2728 Ove Toranger Custom- - NOR U smileyface BEP
5 82.42 58.3692 Ole-Thales Aulie Custom- - NOR U cornpop LSS
6 75.60 53.5408 Stian Birkeland Custom- - NOR U GPK
7 74.86 53.0161 Morten Andre Olsen Custom- - NOR U GPK
8 73.14 51.7985 Lars Andreas Risøy Custom- - NOR U buckshot HPI
9 72.43 51.2906 Jardar Østern Custom- - NOR U meatpukk HPI
10 68.40 48.4402 Leif Inge Storhaug Custom- SS NOR U listason LSS
11 57.33 40.5981 Stian Kristoffersen Custom- - NOR U naits HPI
12 43.60 30.8770 Henrik Stålesen Custom- - NOR U LSS
13 40.53 28.6995 Fredrik Glette Custom- S NOR U fido2008 HPI
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