First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 605.0734 Lars-Olof Halvarsson Production- S SWE U happyhunter
2 70.13 424.3554 Tobias Gustavsson Production- - SWE U toby RJPS
3 68.21 412.7085 Jovencio III Mayor Production- - SWE U goodspeed Sundsvalls PK
4 57.96 350.7086 Hasse Ahlgren Production- - SWE U RJPS
5 47.76 288.9578 Per Bengtsson Production- - SWE U RJPS
6 44.50 269.2393 Sc Hm Production- - SWE U RJPS
7 42.01 254.1653 Mikko Seppälä Production- - SWE U RJPS
8 41.15 248.9851 Tomas Persson Production- S SWE U RJPS
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