First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 331.5319 Fredrik Edvardsen Production- - NOR U TDS
2 91.93 304.7899 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- S NOR U gunrol TDS
3 79.48 263.5165 Trym Thyrum Production- J NOR U trymmern TDS
4 78.74 261.0518 Thomas Eide Production- - NOR U TDS
5 78.53 260.3509 Per Anders Iversen Production- - NOR U TDS
6 67.78 224.7021 Trond Erik Production- - NOR U TDS
7 65.31 216.5316 Kenneth Svendsen Production- - NOR U TDS
8 55.83 185.0917 Jakob Nåvik Raaness Production- - NOR U TDS
9 53.44 177.1658 Isak Nåvik Raaness Production- - NOR U TDS
10 52.01 172.4203 Tor Bævre Production- S NOR U
11 40.00 132.6144 Pål Andre Thyrum Production- - NOR U TDS
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