results for Mälardalscupen 2014 - 2α - Sthlm LVF

Open Standard Production Revolver Classic Production Lady Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 767.6978 Johan Hansen Open+ S SWE GM hansen VDS
2 83.94 644.3740 Dan Liljeström Standard+ - SWE U liljestrom BOPS
3 73.14 561.5111 Tomas Nilsson Open+ - SWE U mansell Sthlm M&P
4 72.21 554.3641 Jim Larsén Open+ - SWE U slimjim LVF
5 70.61 542.0843 Jari Kurttio Open- - SWE U goldgun IPSC Örebro
6 70.39 540.4076 Marianne Hansen Production- L SWE U marsch VDS
7 69.76 535.5672 Fredrik Wildemo Production- - SWE A fredwild STHLM M&P
8 68.01 522.1272 Rolf Lönn Open+ SS SWE U ipscgaule IPSC Gävle
9 66.42 509.9191 Tåbbe Asplind Production- - SWE A aspen Södertörns SK
10 65.63 503.8337 Johan Fredriksson Standard- - SWE U fredriksson LVF
11 63.61 488.2961 Niclas Dal Production- - SWE U nickeklick Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
12 62.64 480.8572 Jari Rosenblad Production- - SWE U jaro RPK
13 61.30 470.5806 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick Södertörns SK
14 61.21 469.8725 L Erik Bjalkvall Open+ - SWE U 3gunner Stockholm LVF
15 59.36 455.6729 Robert Rob Andersson Standard- - SWE C rad Södertörns SK
16 58.83 451.6240 Patrik Sundell Open- - SWE U tacticalviking LVF
17 58.05 445.6489 Fredrik Pettersson Production- - SWE U dvc Oxelösunds Dynamiska Skyttar
18 57.76 443.3858 Håkan Johansson Standard+ - SWE U hawkan Stockholms LVF
19 57.64 442.5364 Jiro Nihei Production- - SWE U zatoichi LVF
20 56.36 432.6403 Joakim Classon Production- - SWE U glockproduction Södertäljepolisens skytteförening
21 55.97 429.6964 Ted Åhlénius Production- - SWE U ted Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
22 55.96 429.6342 Marcus Palmehorn Production- - SWE U paledaddy Ballongberget skf
23 55.85 428.7604 Per Bergfeldt Revolver+ - SWE U magnumperre Rosersberg PK
24 55.07 422.7726 Peter Burnert Standard- - SWE U peter1500 Salems PK
25 55.01 422.3409 Andreas Persson Production- - SWE U apersson88 SPSF
26 54.50 418.4253 Tomas Frisell Production- - SWE U frisse Stockholms Militära & Polisiära skyttar
27 54.27 416.6475 Per Forsling Production- - SWE U slowfeet Åby SK
28 53.96 414.2178 Henrik Hjelte Standard+ - SWE U cetre GuDS
29 53.41 410.0450 Mike Tutsch Open+ SS SWE U miket Ärna Skyttegille
30 53.37 409.7291 Stilianos Simeonidis Production- - SWE U odysseus Lvf
31 52.95 406.4803 Ronny Andreassen Standard- - SWE U matrix99 Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
32 52.80 405.3256 Bengt Bäckström Classic+ - SWE U duracell Tyresö
33 52.43 402.4918 Tomas Magnusson Production- - SWE U dontomaso SPSF (Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening)
34 51.42 394.7659 Andreas Bagoly Production- - SWE U baggen Stockholm M&P
35 51.07 392.0537 Thomas Björklund Standard- - SWE U doublea Rosersberg PK
36 50.38 386.7368 Magnus Granath Production- - SWE U granath SPSF
37 49.79 382.2634 Jonas Alm Standard- - SWE U jonas Salems PK
38 49.77 382.0940 Tobias Hårdén Production- - SWE U harden BOPS
39 49.72 381.7094 Ahmet Tasci Standard- - SWE U salempk
40 49.71 381.6405 Håkan Wiren Production- - SWE U Luftvärnsföreningen
41 49.70 381.5109 Robert Isaksson Production- - SWE U icepoint SES
42 49.36 378.9499 anders franzen Production- - SWE U frasse Sthlm m&p
43 49.20 377.6896 Anders Severinsson Production- - SWE U seve Stockholms LFV
44 49.10 376.9048 Daniel Gulle Production- - SWE U gulle Rjps
45 48.73 374.0994 Gabriel Lind Production- - SWE U gabbe Ormen
46 48.61 373.1590 Daniel Castillo Production- - SWE D danieldvc LvF
47 47.92 367.8782 Peter Stavling Production- S SWE U peter997s LVF
48 47.80 366.9631 chris jonkers Classic+ - SWE U chijo GuDS
49 47.55 365.0755 Jon Granath Standard- - SWE U granath Stockholm LVF
50 47.46 364.3163 Joakim Rudensten Standard+ - SWE U jr528swed Linköping Shooting Club
51 47.28 362.9953 Oscar Alpstig Anund Production- - SWE U ozwald GUDS
52 47.04 361.1323 Erik Somnäs Production- - SWE U Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
53 47.04 361.1097 Kai Rämö Production- - SWE U kai Ärna Skyttegille
54 46.73 358.7443 Therry Ellgren Production- - SWE U Nordmarken PSK
55 46.55 357.3479 Erland Gunnarsson Production- - SWE U famousgrouse Lvf
56 46.41 356.3169 John Johansson Production- - SWE U johnnybob VDS
57 46.25 355.0264 Anna Sjögren Production- L SWE U aviator LVF
58 46.12 354.0269 Mikael Leo Production- - SWE U zeipher Åby sk
59 45.78 351.4455 Tommy Gunnarsson Production- - SWE U gunnto Stockholms Försvarsutbildares Skytteförening
60 45.71 350.9509 Krister Donred Production- - SWE U kribba SG Dynamics
61 45.64 350.4082 Love Lagercrantz Production- - SWE U lovlag Örlogsberga Skf
62 45.44 348.8636 göran jansson Open+ SS SWE U fantomdad GUDS
63 45.09 346.1193 Roger Engström Standard- - SWE U slomo Södertörns SK
64 44.43 341.0518 Walter Kitzinger Open+ S SWE U LVF
65 44.29 340.0367 Joel Sundstedt Standard- - SWE U josu LVF
66 43.71 335.5527 Thomas Kindhag Open- - SWE U eagleeye Södertörns skytteklubb
67 43.70 335.4897 David Mandelin Production- - SWE U davman Södertörns SK
68 43.52 334.1055 Tommy Hellström Standard- - SWE U tommyhkp Västerorts Dynamiska Skyttar
69 42.81 328.6463 Robert Falk Production- - SWE U
70 42.67 327.6071 Jonas Kedland Production- - SWE U elevenmike VDS
71 42.26 324.3950 Robin Bergdahl Standard+ - SWE U robinb GuDs
72 41.94 321.9909 Anders Engstrand Production- - SWE U aed IPSC Granhammar
73 41.55 318.9586 Stellan Forthmeijer Production- - SWE U badhabit BBSKF
74 41.35 317.4163 Alexander Ellstrom Standard- - SWE U gunbad BBSKF
75 40.94 314.2688 Luis Soler Production- - SWE U luyazami Södertörns SK
76 40.88 313.8614 Johan Löfgren Production- - SWE U Stockholms försvarsutbildares skf
77 40.84 313.5420 Staffan Liljestrand Production- - SWE U ozz Södertörns SK
78 40.84 313.5052 Lars Andreasson Production- - SWE U Örlogsberga skf
79 40.70 312.4315 Stefan Vestman Production- - SWE U vestman Södertörns SK
80 40.56 311.3735 Karl Friberg Standard- - SWE U friberg södertörns skytteklubb
81 39.81 305.5950 Johan Heidenfors Production- - SWE U johhei Salems PK
82 39.75 305.1892 Anders Hedvalls Production- S SWE U Stockholms LVF
83 39.37 302.2408 Tarmo Kopakka Revolver- S SWE U
84 38.61 296.4374 Peter Wanderoy Standard- - SWE U pwanderoy UDS
85 36.56 280.6764 Magnus Lundbeck Open- - SWE U suvarb Stockholms Luftvärns förening
86 36.52 280.3381 Jim Berglund Production- - SWE U yamakomori NLTPSK
87 35.94 275.9439 Anna Vigren Production- L SWE U annanas Tyresö SKF
88 35.89 275.5364 ulf moen Standard+ - SWE U Stockholms LVF
89 34.81 267.2466 Anders Englesson Standard- - SWE U englesson NLT PSK
90 33.69 258.6714 Stefan Brostedt Production- - SWE U SES
91 33.58 257.8216 Kenny Frohde Production- - SWE U
92 32.71 251.1093 Tommy Lénberg Production- - SWE U Sörmlands dynamiska skytteförening
93 32.42 248.9047 Patrik Franso Production- - SWE U SALEMS PK
94 32.36 248.4600 Markus Nilsson Production- - SWE D enum Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening
95 31.87 244.6428 Martin Västberg Production- - SWE U Stockholm LVF
96 31.09 238.6515 Niclas Drottler Production- - SWE U drottler LFV
97 30.84 236.7297 Micael Jansson Production- - SWE U Stockholm LVF
98 30.38 233.2168 Christoffer Malmström Revolver+ - SWE U krk LVF
99 30.23 232.0970 Frida Holmkvist Production- L SWE U kakan Stockholms försvarsutbildares skytteförening
100 27.98 214.7677 Magnus Westberg Production- - SWE U mawe08 Södertäljepolisens skytteförening
101 25.79 197.9514 Stefan Nordh Standard- - SWE U spiderpriest Södertörns SK
102 24.71 189.7278 Joakim Hansson Production- - SWE U winter BOPS
103 24.19 185.7333 Peter Andersson Production- S SWE U SDS
104 23.41 179.7555 Vilhelm Hallstrom Standard+ - SWE U mirage Stockholm LVF Skk
105 22.13 169.8660 Veronica Nilsson Production- - SWE U Stockholm LVF
106 20.01 153.6335 Johan Bergh Production- - SWE U Försvarsutbildarna Stockholms Skytteförening
107 19.36 148.6279 Sofie Sunesson Production- L SWE U RJPS
108 17.88 137.2977 Annika Görmarker Standard- L SWE U nickan Lvf, Sth Luftvärnsförening
109 11.75 90.1984 Fleming Dahllöf Production- - SWE U Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
110 9.48 72.7939 Sarah Grey Production- L SWE U
111 9.24 70.9597 Joakim NotKnown Standard- - SWE U VDS
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