First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 763.5662 Jacob Larsen Production- - DNK - mech SSIN
2 91.85 701.3132 Lianna Lisa Wohlgemuth Production- L DNK - SSIN
3 83.20 635.2712 Mikkel Thomsen Production- - DNK - mikkelth SAS skytteklub / CPS
4 75.79 578.6810 Rasmus Brøndsel Production- S DNK - Livgardens Idrætsforening
5 70.33 537.0141 Ronnie Johansen Production- S DNK - SAS
6 63.85 487.5694 Nicki V. Meisner Production- - DNK - Vigersted skytteforening
7 56.62 432.3111 Lars Bugge Production- SS DNK - SSIN / BSI
8 55.82 426.2474 Christian Vig Rask Production- - DNK -
9 53.47 408.2703 Christian Howard Jespersen Production- - DNK - Livgardens idrætsforening
10 48.50 370.2919 Nikolaj Jørgensen Production- - DNK - VGI
11 43.36 331.0994 Jesper S Production- - DNK - Krudtuglen
12 40.08 306.0446 Jeppe Didriksen Production- - DNK - Vigersted skytteforening
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