First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 573.3418 Magnus Lindskog Production- - SWE U messer MSG
2 98.42 564.2984 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE U schultze MSG
3 97.79 560.6463 Klas Ekegren Production- - SWE U oaken MSG
4 90.35 518.0072 Greger Kontojoki Production- - SWE U MSG
5 49.59 284.3407 Ola Wallström Production- S SWE U owall MSG
6 49.16 281.8531 Susan Liu Production- L SWE U MSG
7 36.04 206.6061 Tom Karlsson Production- - SWE U MSG
8 34.48 197.7105 Daniel Rollberger Production- - SWE U MSG
9 18.05 103.4754 Linda Lee Production- L SWE U MSG
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