First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 543.2771 Eddie Karlsson Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- - SWE U silverjoker MSG
2 95.47 518.6594 Pia Nordquist Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- L SWE U MSG
3 95.38 518.1845 Mattias V Production Optics- - SWE U mavog MSG
4 91.67 497.9955 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE U schultze MSG
5 89.71 487.3642 Mattias Haapaniemi Production Optics- S SWE U mrhappy MSG
6 88.95 483.2590 Robert Hansson Open+ S SWE U hanssom MSG
7 88.22 479.2677 Nicola Lo Presti Standard+ - SWE U nixi MSG
8 85.92 466.8079 Magnus Lindskog Production- - SWE U messer MSG
9 85.12 462.4558 Greger Kontojoki Open+ - SWE U MSG
10 81.22 441.2524 Daniel Aldén Production- - SWE U alden Kullens PK
11 80.74 438.6475 Patrick Bongart Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- - SWE U soulshine MSG
12 80.52 437.4486 Andreas Kraling Production Optics- S SWE A glock999 MSG
13 77.88 423.0800 Fredric Tirheden Production Optics- - SWE U MSG
14 75.56 410.5132 Linus Kvarnhammar Production Optics- - SWE U MSG
15 74.39 404.1253 Frederic Nilsson Production Optics- - SWE U scorpan MSG
16 72.13 391.8657 Mikael Floberg Production Optics- S SWE U mickeys Kullens PK
17 65.01 353.1817 Roger W*** Open+ - SWE U majtii MSG
18 62.86 341.5092 Mats Ahlqvist Production Optics- SS SWE U matti MSG
19 62.74 340.8560 Patrik Carlsson Classic- S SWE U modestyblaise MSG
20 57.48 312.2915 Jimmy Ihl Production Optics- S SWE U ihlskan P7 SKIF
21 56.32 305.9802 Göran Majvall Open- SS SWE U skaning MSG
22 56.17 305.1793 Daniel Larsson Open+ - SWE U swedan MSG
23 45.18 245.4431 Mikael Olofsson Production- S SWE U oet MSG
24 43.22 234.8096 Richard Sandström Production- S SWE U MSG
25 36.70 199.3609 Robert Svensson Revolver- - SWE U MSG
26 31.35 170.3375 Thomas Eisner Production- S SWE U MSG
27 28.58 155.2572 Kim Køster Production- - SWE U MSG
28 25.75 139.8989 Daniel Rollberger Production- - SWE U MSG
29 20.95 113.8297 Emma Köster Production- L SWE U msg
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