First name
Last name
1 100.00 422.9752 Per Nilson Production- - SWE U per Tofta skytteförening
2 86.46 365.7088 Ali Adel Revolver- - SWE U adelius VSD
3 71.74 303.4245 Christan L Production- - SWE U krille Tofta SKF
4 70.73 299.1906 Daniel Grubb Production- - SWE U dag Security Group Dynamics
5 66.02 279.2332 Kim Gustafsson Open- - SWE U WDS
6 65.74 278.0542 Johan Johansson Production Optics- S SWE U bumpa WDS
7 61.65 260.7489 FREDRIK SVANE Production- - SWE U Tofta SKF
8 61.46 259.9739 Torkel Haara Production- S SWE U Tofta skf
9 53.82 227.6496 Ola Holgersson Production- - SWE U ola WDS
10 50.59 213.9887 Eric Pütter Production- - SWE U GPIF
11 48.38 204.6352 Hans Aspling Production- - SWE U Tofta SKF
12 45.93 194.2887 Jonas Carlstein Wall Production- - SWE U jonas Tofta skytteförening
13 42.61 180.2502 Ahmad Djeza Production- - SWE U ahmad Tofta SKF
14 36.49 154.3351 Pontus Magnusson Production- - SWE U Warbergs Dynamiska Skyttar
15 33.17 140.3149 Dino Dzeldumovic Production- - SWE U Tofta SKF
16 32.43 137.1563 Benjamin Mattsson Mattsson Standard+ - SWE U Wds
17 30.75 130.0686 Philip Draxler Production- - SWE U Partille Pistolklubb
18 24.88 105.2190 Pontus Johansson Production- - SWE U
19 23.02 97.3703 Mersudin Hamidovic Production- - SWE U Tofta SKF
20 21.03 88.9483 Jesper Bundgaard Production- S SWE U Tofta
21 15.42 65.2061 Claes Vennberg Production- - SWE U Tofta SKF
22 14.72 62.2674 Mensur Brajanovic Production- - SWE U Tofta skf ipsc
23 13.84 58.5373 Emir Demirovic Production- - SWE U Tofta
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