First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1624.2574 Andreas Helvig Hansen Open+ - DNK - SSIN
2 93.79 1523.3375 Frederik Petersen Production Optics- - DNK - fnp Sejs-Svejbæk
3 92.56 1503.4872 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK - ibenforth SSIN
4 91.17 1480.8139 Robert Börjesson Production Optics- - SWE - rob79 MSF
5 90.24 1465.6555 Niclas Dal Production Optics- S SWE - nickeklick SPSF
6 90.16 1464.3860 Dominik Górski Production Optics- - POL - yarlan KS Cover
7 88.67 1440.1719 Cecilia Lindberg Production Optics- L SWE - chitchi GDS
8 88.23 1433.1505 Martin Kaeseler Production Optics- - DNK - martink TeamSHIELD
9 87.80 1426.1722 Tobias Åström Production Optics- - SWE - mercs BESK
10 87.78 1425.7842 Jens Martin Sørensen Production Optics- - DNK - jensmsorensen Struer Skyttekreds
11 87.38 1419.2371 Arni Kjartansson Production Optics- - DNK - CPS/SSIN
12 87.27 1417.5567 David Levin Production Optics- - SWE - grusiturbon IPSC Örebro
13 87.16 1415.7013 Ole Thorsager Open+ S DNK -
14 86.75 1409.0039 Mikael Östling Production Optics- - SWE - pergite GDS
15 85.96 1396.2741 Selcuk Kahraman Production Optics- - DNK - selo Ssin/ ri98
16 85.46 1388.0380 Bo Stampe Madsen Standard+ S DNK - bmadsen Lø-He
17 85.35 1386.2837 David K Grainger Production Optics- - DNK - grainger SSIN
18 85.24 1384.4962 Marcus Skogstrom Production Optics- - SWE - maskman MSG
19 85.13 1382.7850 Sissal Skaale Standard+ L DNK - MSG
20 84.62 1374.4081 Jokke Eriksson Production Optics- - SWE - jokke Kornet SK - FMJ Shooting Range
21 84.52 1372.7747 Lars Hagemann Production Optics- S DNK - hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
22 84.07 1365.5527 Jonas Partanen Green Production Optics- - SWE - SäSF
23 82.69 1343.1284 Michael Randrup Production Optics- - DNK - randrup TeamSHIELD
24 82.51 1340.1717 Peter Saltvik Production Optics- S SWE - peppe GDS
25 82.28 1336.4728 Peter Davis Open+ S DNK - grendel Lind skf
26 82.14 1334.1718 Simon Larsen Open+ - DNK - sil BVS
27 81.52 1324.0770 Anders Egeskov Open+ - DNK - egeskov SSIN
28 81.47 1323.2147 Kim Frandsen Standard+ - DNK - mindstorm Struer Skyttekreds
29 80.53 1307.9882 Jakub Ajmocki Production- - POL - qbiszon SWKS Warka
30 80.29 1304.0405 Rasmus Andersen Standard- - DNK - B.D.S
31 80.28 1303.9663 Jörgen Broman Open+ S SWE - broman Linköpings skytteförening (LSKF)
32 79.67 1294.0806 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE - rickipick Södertörns SK (SSK)
33 79.56 1292.3397 Tobias Mejborn Open+ - DNK - SSIN/KMP
34 79.43 1290.2133 Ayram Shine Production- L DNK - SAS skytteklub
35 79.43 1290.1430 Jens Lundholm Production- - SWE - ÖPK
36 79.40 1289.6832 Jan Guldbrandsen Open+ S DNK - SSIN
37 79.31 1288.2476 Robert Hansson Open+ S SWE - hanssom P7SKIF
38 79.01 1283.2558 Merima Åström Production Optics- L SWE - mima BESK
39 78.92 1281.8130 Simon Fant Standard+ - SWE - SSK
40 78.59 1276.5791 Anders Urban Production Optics- - DNK - urbanlegend SAS
41 78.38 1273.0208 Martin Assarsson Production- - SWE - Stockholms LVF
42 78.06 1267.8620 Mats Karlsson Production Optics- S SWE - yaps MSG
43 77.83 1264.1224 Michael Nordell Open+ S SWE - dude Södertörns Sk
44 77.58 1260.0530 Ole Mortensen Open+ S DNK - monco Sejs/HPS
45 77.18 1253.6396 Marcel Prüm Production- - DEU - pruem HSB e.V.
46 76.58 1243.9207 Oskar Elfvin Production Optics- - SWE - elvino MSG
47 76.40 1240.9823 Mads Andersen Production- - DNK - ghettopytlick ESSK
48 75.98 1234.1028 Hänry Bengtsson Production Optics- - SWE - hanry1536 Jönköpings PK
49 75.95 1233.6990 Daniel Denwood Open+ S SWE - doubledelta MSPS
50 75.32 1223.4480 Thorbjörn Sjövold Production Optics- S SWE - thorbear ESs
51 75.05 1218.9790 Rasmus E. Lemvig Production Optics- - DNK - dolff B.D.S
52 74.93 1217.0079 Karl Kempe Production Optics- - SWE - karl UPSF
53 74.60 1211.7460 Martin Håkansson Classic- - SWE - hakansson MDSSK
54 74.49 1209.9439 Klas Ekegren Production- - SWE - oaken MSG
55 74.44 1209.1550 Izabela Duracova Open+ L DNK - Ssin
56 74.33 1207.2402 Victor Næblerød Herstad Production- - DNK - SSIN
57 74.28 1206.4800 Kent Stangvik Production Optics- S SWE -
58 73.88 1199.9288 Michael Lindström Production Optics- S SWE - IPSC Västerås
59 73.64 1196.0985 Michael Schow Open+ - DNK - schow SSIN
60 72.97 1185.1396 Christian Paulsson Open+ - SWE - VADS
61 72.70 1180.7814 Linus Kvarnhammar Production Optics- - SWE - MSG
62 72.62 1179.6002 Jess Lund Open+ S DNK - jess SSIN
63 72.59 1178.9771 Jan Hoyer Open+ S DNK - dilligaf KS
64 72.45 1176.8011 Jacob Larsen Classic- - DNK - mech SSIN
65 72.29 1174.1760 Sebastian Vestlund Open+ - SWE - sebastian
66 71.72 1164.9750 Nicola Lo Presti Standard+ - SWE - nixi MSG
67 71.68 1164.3175 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE - schultze MSG
68 71.46 1160.6943 Gorm Toft Standard+ - DNK - Nyk. Sj./ SSIN
69 71.13 1155.3197 Marcus Larsson Open+ - SWE - marqsmen MSPS
70 71.07 1154.3061 Andre Ksycki Production- - DEU -
71 70.85 1150.8201 Peter Retep Production Optics- S SWE - retep KPIF
72 70.76 1149.2457 Andreas Kraling Production Optics- S SWE - glock999 MSG
73 70.57 1146.3172 Asger Andersen Open- - DNK - Assens
74 69.54 1129.4896 Mattias Haapaniemi Production Optics- S SWE - mrhappy MSG
75 69.31 1125.8035 Casper Vogelsang Production Optics- S DNK - vogelsang Nykøbing Sj/SSIN
76 69.16 1123.3347 Lasse Poulsen Standard- - DNK - poulsen CPS/SSIN
77 69.04 1121.4245 Mattias Kneck Production- - SWE - masse VDS
78 69.03 1121.3005 Christer Karlsson Production Optics- S SWE - nsslt NPSK
79 69.00 1120.7825 Kenneth K Production- S DNK - SSIN / SKL
80 68.80 1117.4662 Dan Andersen Open+ - DNK -
81 68.51 1112.7894 Fred Fahlqvist Production Optics- - SWE - GGSF
82 68.46 1111.9986 Jonas Bengtsson Production Optics- - SWE - LSKF
83 67.81 1101.3438 Aleksandar Duracov Open+ - DNK - SSIN
84 67.38 1094.3592 Robert Becker Production- - SWE - becker VADS
85 67.32 1093.4316 Ronny Andreassen Standard+ S SWE - matrix99 SPSF
86 67.27 1092.5570 Torben G. Skjoldborg Production Optics- S DNK - SSIN
87 67.24 1092.1767 Søren Diderichsen Open+ - DNK -
88 67.13 1090.4205 David Kjellgren Production Optics- - SWE - VADS
89 66.94 1087.2296 Christian Bagger Production- S DNK - bagger SSIN
90 66.90 1086.6033 Daniel Aldén Production- - SWE - alden Kullens PK
91 66.76 1084.4293 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Standard+ - NOR - kimma ASK
92 66.65 1082.5009 Tom Westerholm Production Optics- S SWE - MSPS
93 66.49 1079.9820 Finn Langkjær Production Optics- S DNK - langkjaer Lunde SG&I
94 66.47 1079.7034 Hans J Holbek Production Optics- S DNK - tank Kjøbenhavns Skytteforening/ CPS
95 66.38 1078.2504 Gerry Strandberg Production- S SWE - gerry66 Jönköpings PK
96 66.35 1077.6263 Michel Zohar Standard- - DNK - zohan SSIN
97 66.30 1076.9504 Luis Soler Production Optics- S SWE - luyazami SPSF
98 66.20 1075.2442 Dragan Simic Production Optics- - SWE - simic
99 66.16 1074.5838 Henrik F Nielsen Revolver- S DNK - 357henrik Lø-He
100 66.16 1074.5312 Khaled Abdulkarim Production Optics- - DNK - KS
101 65.96 1071.3227 Jan Bodé Standard- SS DNK - jan63 SSIN
102 65.86 1069.7258 Mads Peter Bach Classic- S DNK - mapzter Aalborg Skyttekreds
103 65.67 1066.7043 Markus Alexander Schorr Open+ S DEU - markus GKS
104 65.59 1065.3535 Anders Bengtsson Production Optics- - SWE - abe75 Jönköpings PK
105 65.56 1064.8486 Adam Bäckman Production Optics- - SWE - Linköpings skytteförening
106 65.21 1059.1100 Kresten Hellberg Standard- - DNK - SSIN
107 64.98 1055.4149 Gert Erling Hansen Production Optics- S DNK - bossman Nyk.sj.
108 64.94 1054.8616 Dorothea Denwood Production Optics- L SWE - dorothea MSPS
109 64.85 1053.2813 Kenneth Ammentorp Standard- S DNK - lapuam DVC
110 64.82 1052.8252 Dannie Høg Production- S DNK - SSIN
111 64.74 1051.6057 Theis Nielsen Production- - DNK - nielsen SSIN
112 64.53 1048.1515 Jan Marmulla Production- S DEU - SSG Berlin
113 64.27 1043.8896 Joakim Stralje Production Optics- S SWE - frolomp ESs
114 64.14 1041.7607 Lars Flugstad Production Optics- S NOR - larsflugstad ASK
115 64.08 1040.8150 Daniel Lindqvist Standard- - SWE - dlindqvist SäSF
116 63.88 1037.5752 Viktor Kallenbach Standard+ - DNK - Pilen
117 63.83 1036.7060 Carsten Husman Open+ - DNK - husman SSIN/Lunde SG&I
118 63.68 1034.2471 Patrik Sedell Production Optics- - SWE - sedell Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
119 63.61 1033.2221 Niklas Narving Production Optics- S SWE - IPSC Västerås
120 63.50 1031.4430 Jorn Holeschovsky Standard- - DEU - Hanseatic Gun Club
121 63.44 1030.5028 Lianna Lisa Wohlgemuth Standard- L DNK - SSIN
122 63.25 1027.3388 Marjan Angelovski Classic- - SWE - marang SPSF
123 63.19 1026.3677 Joao Lobato Standard+ - DNK - cyberwolf SAS
124 62.82 1020.3119 Christian Sønderup Classic- S DNK - christians SSIN
125 62.81 1020.2455 Daniel Holmberg Production Optics- - SWE - SäSF
126 62.62 1017.1727 Steve Knutsson Production Optics- S SWE - stevo KPIF
127 62.36 1012.8126 Maria Bohlin Production Optics- L SWE - Stockholms LVF
128 62.28 1011.6647 Alexandra Shamloo Production- L SWE -
129 62.25 1011.1002 Henny Schmitz Standard+ SS NLD - NPSA
130 61.96 1006.3492 Peter Af Geijerstam Production Optics- - SWE - p4fg Nybro PK
131 61.81 1003.9098 Johan Mastrell Production Optics- S DNK - medicinmand SSIN
132 61.79 1003.5890 Jari Viitala Production Optics- S SWE - morpheus LSKF
133 61.74 1002.8056 jonas pettersson Standard- - SWE - jonasp ECDS
134 61.66 1001.5158 Nils Oddvar Midtun Standard- - NOR - nilso RPK
135 61.52 999.1997 Małgorzata Ajmocka Standard- L POL - SWKS Warka
136 61.50 998.9033 Robert Svensson Production- - SWE - MSG
137 61.40 997.3093 Thomas Overgaard Standard- - DNK - B.D.S
138 61.28 995.3912 Robert Olsson Production Optics- - SWE - Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
139 61.27 995.1574 Kenneth Svendsgaard Production Optics- - DNK -
140 61.26 995.0840 Frank Hariken Production- S DNK - ta2gi CPS
141 61.24 994.6650 Mikael Floberg Production Optics- S SWE - mickeys Kullens PK
142 61.12 992.8051 Lars Bach Standard- - DNK - bach TSF
143 60.76 986.9683 Tomas Huseby Production+ S NOR - stiboy ASK
144 60.66 985.2485 Anders Zander Classic- - SWE - masterwelder MSG
145 60.57 983.7353 Michael Alexander Bock Schou Production Optics- - DNK - Slagelse Skytteforening
146 60.45 981.7828 Bengt Petersson Production Optics- S SWE - bengan KPIF
147 60.43 981.4926 Heinz Schürmann Classic- S DEU - speedmaster56 Hanseatic Gun Club
148 60.39 980.9054 Flemming Hansen Open+ SS DNK - Lunde skytteforening
149 60.37 980.5131 Richard Sköld Standard- - DEU -
150 60.18 977.5068 Per Martinsson Production Optics- - SWE - MSPS
151 60.17 977.3951 Patrik Fritzson Standard+ S SWE - SSF
152 60.11 976.4106 Eric Ericsson Production- - SWE - sweaa Ängelholms PK
153 60.09 976.0084 Dennis Martlev Classic- S DNK - smartlev SSIN
154 59.93 973.4095 Morten Wessel Nybrott Production Optics- S NOR - zazza OKTS
155 59.88 972.6540 Mich Petersen Production- - DNK - Løsning-Hedensted
156 58.92 957.0573 Keld Knudsen Production Optics- S DNK - keldknudsen Oksbøl Militær Idræt Skydning
157 58.62 952.1203 Christian Andersson Production Optics- - SWE - snapphanen Kristianstads PK
158 58.55 950.9744 Per Jakobsen Open+ S NOR - blamit RPK
159 58.38 948.1766 Michael Stefansen Production- S DNK - stefansen SSIN
160 58.35 947.6899 Kjetil Rødne Classic+ - NOR - kjetil HPS
161 58.32 947.2290 Gert Hougaard Standard- SS DNK - Tilst skytteforening
162 57.82 939.2057 Thomas Bengtsson Production Optics- S SWE - fanthomas GDS
163 57.40 932.3736 Amin-Robert Kassem Open+ - SWE - Torups Pistolklubb
164 57.36 931.6339 Lars Pedersen Production- - NOR - larsip HPI
165 57.32 931.0617 Bernd Pantzer Production Optics- S DEU -
166 57.24 929.7643 Morten Jörgensen Standard- - SWE - netromj LaholmsPSK
167 57.23 929.6216 Poul Gudmundsson Standard- - DNK - Lunde skytteforening
168 57.09 927.3282 Ludwig Bowakow Production- S DEU - dschingis Hanseatic Gun Club
169 56.30 914.4682 Jonas Emilsson Production Optics- - SWE - Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
170 56.08 910.8894 Arne Busch Standard- S DEU - Grenaa Skyttekreds
171 55.99 909.4344 Mattias Jonsson Production- - NOR - mattias44 RPK
172 55.93 908.4853 Kim Wiencken Standard- SS DNK - ventureshooter SSIN
173 55.79 906.1164 Sune Sørensen Standard- S DNK - DSF
174 55.78 905.9947 Patrick Jansson Standard- S SWE - trident ECDS
175 55.75 905.4550 Carsten Werge Production Optics- S DNK - sagitarius CPS/SSIN
176 55.72 905.0166 Bosse Jansson Open+ SS SWE - boaw MSPS
177 55.68 904.3767 Björn Elfvin Standard- SS SWE - bjoelf MSG
178 55.51 901.6045 Dirk Bartelt Standard- SS DEU - Hanseartic Gun Club
179 55.40 899.8906 Mats Ahlqvist Production Optics- S SWE - matti MSG
180 54.46 884.5683 Chano Johansen Open- - DNK -
181 53.12 862.8390 Ole Victor Production- S SWE - oahv CPS / Nybro PK
182 53.09 862.3736 Camilla Nordgren Production Optics- L SWE - ior KPIF
183 53.02 861.2137 Esther Verjans Production- L DEU - HGC
184 52.76 856.9609 Jimmy Ihl Production Optics- S SWE - ihliminator P7 SKIF
185 52.51 852.9600 Dag Moshagen Linberg Classic- - NOR - dagl Asker Skyteklubb
186 52.19 847.7544 Christer Gerhardsson Production Optics- S SWE - IPSC Västerås
187 51.86 842.2950 Måns Pihlquist Production- - SWE - echo01 P7 SKIF
188 51.61 838.2638 Steen Pico Standard- SS DNK - pico SSIN
189 50.73 823.9783 Morten Vestergaard Production Optics- S DNK - CPS/SSIN
190 50.60 821.8077 Demi Denwood Production Optics- L SWE - MSPS
191 50.40 818.6913 Christopher Pickering Standard- - DNK - Dynamic shooting CPH
192 50.09 813.6297 Henrik Holm Open+ SS DNK - Nykøbing Sj / SSIN / BVS
193 50.04 812.7980 Glenn Vennberg Standard- SS SWE - baraglenn Sätila PSK
194 50.03 812.6666 Thomas Riise Open+ S NOR - riise OKTS
195 49.69 807.0789 Wenche Linberg Standard- L NOR - wenlin ASK
196 49.68 806.9845 Freya Nancy Bock Schou Production- L DNK - Slagelse Skytteforening
197 49.17 798.6668 Einar Bakke Production Optics- - NOR - einar RDS
198 48.94 794.9448 Mathias Duppils Production- S SWE - P7 SKIF
199 48.86 793.6622 Håkon Holst Production Optics- - NOR - deltaboy HPI
200 48.70 790.9872 Osman Mustafa Standard- - USA - Kjøbenhavns Skytteforening
201 48.60 789.4526 Mie Poulsen Standard- L DNK - CPS/SSIN
202 48.35 785.3900 Olaf Gubien Standard- S DNK -
203 48.18 782.5390 jakob schultz Revolver- S DNK - OPSF
204 47.97 779.2333 Thomas Werchmeister Standard- - DNK - Copenhagen Practical Shooters
205 47.74 775.4114 Steen Bagger Standard- SS DNK - SSIN
206 47.45 770.6593 Otto Haue Production Optics- - DNK - Lunde SG&I
207 47.08 764.6649 Ole Rongsted Standard- S DNK - BVS
208 46.66 757.9311 Enis Ademovski Production- - DNK - København Skytteforening KS
209 46.51 755.4597 Stian Edvardsen Production- - NOR - stianedvardsen HPI
210 46.45 754.4060 Kent Holm Standard- SS DNK - kent1 SSIN
211 45.70 742.2759 Andreas Tandberg Rødby Production Optics- - NOR - roedby HPI
212 45.58 740.3697 Mattias Nyström Production Optics- - SWE - shortcut PKHSF
213 44.02 715.0350 Baha Redan Koyuncu Standard- - DNK - Pilen
214 43.96 713.9764 John Lindbom Open- SS SWE - LSC
215 43.80 711.4314 Henrik Andersson Production- S SWE - SäSF
216 43.62 708.4252 Thomas Thorhauge Production Optics- - DNK - Dynamiske Sportsskytter Østjylland
217 43.56 707.5334 Peter Boysen Classic- S DNK - HSI
218 43.55 707.3846 Mikkel Thomsen Production- - DNK - mikkelth SAS skytteklub / CPS
219 42.68 693.2745 Bjørn Kallenbach Standard- S DNK - Pilen af 1927
220 42.58 691.5774 Casper Seidler Production- - DNK - SSIN
221 42.53 690.7534 Arnold Christensen Production- - DNK - arnold
222 42.11 683.9925 Geir Arne Sandbakken Production Optics- S NOR - sandbakken OKTS
223 42.11 683.9005 Rene Sørensen Standard- S DNK - Dynamiske Sportsskytter Østjylland
224 42.07 683.3294 Jacob Damm Production- - SWE - Malmö Skyttegille
225 41.47 673.5645 Stig Alajdi Production Optics- S DNK - stig Ssin
226 40.33 654.9984 Kim Frederiksen Classic- S DNK - CPS & HSI
227 40.07 650.8649 Marc Johnson Open+ - DNK - falken SK-ST
228 39.64 643.8976 Magnus Myrseth Production Optics- - NOR - magnusm RPK
229 39.62 643.5077 Rasmus Andersson Production Optics- - SWE - MSPS
230 39.57 642.7877 Aida Sabanovic Standard- L DNK - verdandi Aalborg Skyttekreds
231 39.38 639.6485 David Grahn Production- S SWE - Lövsta SKF
232 39.19 636.4864 Caisa Sundén Production Optics- L SWE - MSPS
233 38.86 631.2543 Anders Gunbjornsen Open- SS NOR - andiz RPK
234 38.69 628.4874 Kim Dagerud Production Optics- - SWE - Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
235 38.67 628.0699 Flemming Larsen Open- S DNK - Pilen af 1927
236 37.49 608.8668 Angelica Sanchez Standard- L SWE - LaholmsPSK
237 36.28 589.2575 Dragisa Jovanikic Production- - DNK - dragisa FSF - Farum
238 36.07 585.8327 Mark Weisinger Standard- SS DNK - mark1 CPS & BS
239 32.50 527.8166 Magnus Göransson Production Optics- S SWE - Lövsta SKF
240 31.45 510.8082 Andreas Törngren Standard- - SWE - ECDS
241 30.87 501.4131 Arne Karsberg Production- S DNK - CPS / SIF KBH
242 30.85 501.1010 wiktoria szymaniak Standard- L POL - wika Bellona Kalisz
243 29.76 483.3159 Mikkel NotKnown Standard- - DNK -
244 27.71 450.0989 Emily Grønhøj Frandsen Production- L DNK - Struer Skyttekreds
245 27.04 439.2144 Thomas Sundberg Production- - SWE - tjompo PKHSF
246 23.45 380.9650 Malene Jensen Standard- L DNK - Pilen
247 22.42 364.1862 Joakim Bergstrand Production- - SWE - PKHSF
248 1.57 25.4818 Per Celander Production- S SWE - percel71 Södertörns SK
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