First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 654.7057 Jens Lundholm Production- - SWE U ÖPK
2 98.15 642.6141 Robert Söderström Production- S SWE U dvc73 MSG
3 94.23 616.9336 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE U schultze MSG
4 93.64 613.0553 Victor Næblerød Herstad Production- - DNK U SSIN
5 86.41 565.7516 Daniel Aldén Production- - SWE U alden Kullens PK
6 85.96 562.7560 Magnus Lindskog Production- - SWE U messer MSG
7 85.48 559.6163 Klas Ekegren Production- - SWE U oaken MSG
8 82.73 541.6571 Robert Svensson Production- - SWE U MSG
9 81.48 533.4574 Gustav Mogren Production- - SWE U RPSK
10 78.51 514.0080 Alexander Perlman Production- - SWE U slutbossen MSG
11 77.00 504.1397 Søren Sparvath Production- - DNK U sparvath SSIN
12 76.87 503.2660 Greger Kontojoki Production- - SWE U MSG
13 76.54 501.1134 Peter Johansson Production- S SWE U pewpew Växjö PK
14 75.15 492.0027 Kenneth K Production- S DNK U SSIN / SKL
15 74.69 489.0258 Eric Ericsson Production- - SWE U sweaa Ängelholms PK
16 71.29 466.7309 Mikkel Schulz Production- - DNK U SSIN
17 69.77 456.7943 Daniel Lindström Production- - SWE U MSG
18 64.04 419.2702 Jonas Axelsson Production- S SWE U Kullens PK
19 63.88 418.2228 Christoffer Wingårdh Production- - SWE U Kullens PK
20 62.27 407.6848 Anders Thustrup Production- - SWE U abthustrup YDSKF
21 61.20 400.6538 Cristopher Hermansson Production- - SWE U Växjö PK
22 61.14 400.2625 Johan Nilsson Production- - SWE U ÖPK
23 57.54 376.7232 Joakim Toresten Production- - SWE U djt Jämjö SPK
24 53.82 352.3501 Filip Mårtensson Production- - SWE U fippe YDSKF
25 53.56 350.6892 Moa Hvass Production- J SWE U KPIF
26 53.47 350.0868 Peter Kornacher Production- - SWE U TPDS
27 53.11 347.7395 Håkan Stoltz Production- S SWE U stoltz Ystads Dynamiska SKF (YDSKF)
28 53.06 347.4148 Olle Aranäs Production- - SWE U olar KPIF
29 51.99 340.3546 Henrik Kalling Production- S SWE U thunderpants Kristianstads PK
30 51.32 335.9813 Johan Blomquist Production- - SWE U Österlens Pistolklubb
31 50.44 330.2407 Nicklas Andersson Production- S SWE U nicklas Kristianstads PK
32 50.04 327.5835 Andreas Bryner Production- - SWE U MSG
33 49.63 324.9194 Robert Pentén Production- - SWE U österlen pistolskytteklubb
34 49.53 324.2591 Jhonny Blom Production- - SWE U jhonnyrehab YDSKF
35 48.43 317.0986 Andrej Timofejeff Production- - SWE U ryssen YDSKF
36 48.37 316.6535 Andreas Gunér Production- - SWE U TPDS
37 48.04 314.5468 Erik Götblad Production- S SWE U Kpif
38 47.61 311.6962 Mathias Urkom Production- - USA U Öpk
39 46.66 305.5061 Susan Liu Production- L SWE U MSG
40 45.91 300.5931 Andreas Olsson Production- - SWE U TPDS
41 45.88 300.3614 Elwyn Revelj Production- SJ SWE U elya1199 KPIF
42 45.80 299.8444 Mattias P Production- - SWE U TPDS
43 43.46 284.5225 Billy Knutsson Production- - SWE U ÖPK
44 39.81 260.6132 Pasi Empell Production- S SWE U TPDS
45 38.51 252.1439 Kevin Elvstrand Production- - SWE U Kristianstads PK
46 37.68 246.6941 Johan Lundberg Production- - SWE U TPDS
47 37.46 245.2786 S Andersson Production- - SWE U TPDS
48 36.63 239.8112 Patrik Schüler Production- S SWE U Växjö PK
49 32.15 210.4669 Liselott Tuwesson Production- L SWE U defacto Kristianstads PK
50 29.80 195.1220 Maria Behrmann Production- - SWE U maria YDSKF
51 27.39 179.3209 Viktoria Nordström Production- - SWE U TPDS
52 25.05 164.0195 Gabriella Galakvosciute Production- L SWE U ÖPK
53 24.68 161.6038 Linda Lee Production- L SWE U MSG
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