First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 223.1660 Tore Varlid Production- S NOR U DSSA
2 68.87 153.6841 Lars Erik Johansen Production- - NOR U Porsgrunn Pistolklubb
3 62.95 140.4833 Per Ludvigsen Production- SS NOR U sfih VEPS
4 54.94 122.6149 Jørgen Paus Production- - NOR U czetten VEPS
5 53.39 119.1383 Ole Christiansen Production- - NOR U TOP-DSS
6 41.50 92.6079 Simen Ludvigsen Production- - NOR U VEPS
7 39.14 87.3390 Kim Haugen Production- - NOR U Porsgrunn pistolklubb
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