First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 380.0000 Jan Rune Hauge Open- - NOR U lofotr StorFSK
2 85.67 325.5405 Kjetil Jørgensen Production- - NOR U cogito StorFSK
3 84.43 320.8368 Tore Halse Production- - NOR U arktis StorFSK
4 74.83 284.3610 Mads - Robin Johannessen Production- - NOR U StorFSK
5 65.10 247.3949 Alfr Nordheim Open- - NOR U StorFSK
6 59.08 224.5044 Halvor Odden Production Optics- - NOR U StorFSK
7 53.11 201.7996 Ruben Evjen Production- - NOR U StorFSK
8 31.15 118.3571 Petter Langstrand Production- - NOR U shaihaloo StorFSK
9 30.90 117.4227 Simen Five Production- - NOR U
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