results for S:t Eskilscupen 2014 match april

Standard Production Classic Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 436.4695 Jörgen Sjödahl Production- - SWE U st eskil
2 66.73 291.2508 Therese Bjurshagen Production- L SWE U S:t Eskils
3 58.78 256.5769 Henrik Springare Production- - SWE U St:Eskils skyttar
4 49.32 215.2543 Jari Asu Production- - SWE U st:eskilsskyttar
5 39.45 172.1977 Håkan Borgström Production- - SWE U St:Eskils
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