First name
Last name
1 100.00 515.0592 Jonas Forslund Standard+ - SWE U forsis SSF
2 92.66 477.2489 Mikael Janeman Standard+ S SWE U jman Jönköpings PK
3 86.20 443.9734 Martin Håkansson Standard- - SWE GM hakansson MDSSK
4 78.91 406.4151 Per-Arne Svensson Standard+ S SWE U caliber Torups PK
5 73.55 378.8483 Kristoffer Mann Standard- - SWE U GDS
6 67.48 347.5795 Kenneth Nilsson Standard- - SWE U Jönköpings PK
7 63.33 326.1848 Gustaf Bervebrink Standard- - SWE U gustafswe Torups Pistolklubb
8 62.36 321.2042 Jan Anderberg Standard+ S SWE U jjand Sävepsk
9 58.44 301.0247 Marcus Stenöien Standard- - SWE U grandpower Torups Pk
10 55.42 285.4217 Mathias Johansson Standard- - SWE U johanzon ÄPK
11 54.00 278.1190 Peter Olausson Standard- - SWE U peol Gpif
12 47.80 246.1869 Ted Nilsson Standard- - SWE U Jönköpings PK
13 46.68 240.4105 Glenn Vennberg Standard- SS SWE U baraglenn Sätila PSK
14 38.96 200.6617 Toni Kaic Standard- - SWE U kaic Torups PK
15 33.57 172.8938 Thomas Elehag Standard+ SS SWE U elis Säve psk
16 30.03 154.6762 Torbjörn Fransson Standard- - SWE U tobbe1 Torups Pk
17 25.74 132.5517 Johan Urbanke Standard- S SWE U BPS
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