First name
Last name
1 100.00 516.5526 Johnnie Tibom Production- - SWE U jt74 GPIF
2 92.65 478.5616 Anders Björk Production- - SWE U bjork Security Group Dynamics
3 89.78 463.7796 Victor Eriksson Production- S SWE U victor P4 DS
4 86.78 448.2682 Allan Bergman Production- - SWE U dosch Security Group Dynamics
5 86.36 446.1072 Gustav Bergenstråle Production- - SWE U mtnbeam VSD
6 86.18 445.1679 Sebastian Strid Production- - SWE U P4 DS
7 81.47 420.8557 Johan Hermansson Production- - SWE U tingeling säve psk
8 81.21 419.4886 Johan Friberg Production- - SWE U frj GPIF
9 80.24 414.4650 Andreas Johansson Production- - SWE U qvintus GDS
10 80.14 413.9494 Jonas Hansson Production- - SWE U jonas78 UPSF
11 80.10 413.7716 Morgan Andersson Production- - SWE U morgan SäSF
12 78.12 403.5081 Linus Claar Production- - SWE U UPSF
13 77.91 402.4704 Erik Lindström Production- S SWE U orca VSD
14 77.49 400.2665 Maria Revling Production- L SWE U mhr SSF
15 76.33 394.2881 Mikko Anttonen Production- - SWE U millo SSF
16 74.09 382.7142 Håkan Myrsell Production- S SWE U SSF
17 74.05 382.5063 Emil Larsson Production- - SWE U SSF
18 72.24 373.1324 Johannes Malm Production- - SWE U GGSF
19 71.67 370.2040 Jan Karlsson Production- S SWE U Torups pistolklubb
20 71.45 369.0581 Magnus Andersson Production- - SWE U
21 69.62 359.6107 Gerry Dahlgren Production- GS SWE U kgd52 Torups Pistolklubb
22 68.41 353.3546 Kristian Väliluoto Production- S SWE U BPS
23 67.75 349.9621 Jürgen Raudva Production- S SWE U raju Säve PSK
24 66.27 342.3013 Staffan Production- - SWE U strapon P4 DS
25 65.86 340.1784 Christoffer Hansson Production- - SWE U VSD
26 65.08 336.1470 Kenneth Gustafsson Production- - SWE U SSF
27 64.93 335.4085 Martin Karlsson Production- - SWE U SäSF
28 63.72 329.1339 David Alfredsson Production- - SWE U UPSF
29 63.34 327.1795 Joel N Production- - SWE U P4 DS
30 62.61 323.3951 Olle Lindkvist Production- - SWE U Göteborgs Dynamiska Skyttar
31 62.31 321.8800 Folkesson Production- - SWE U Göteborgs Dynamiska Skyttar (GDS)
32 61.83 319.4079 Jolie Raudva Production- L SWE U jora säve psk
33 61.71 318.7421 Hannes Production- - SWE U GDS
34 60.85 314.3351 Carl-Johan Larsson Production- - SWE U Borås Pistolskyttar
35 60.53 312.6924 Rickard Örtengren Production- - SWE U rickard GPIF
36 57.72 298.1359 Oscar Brännudd Production- S SWE U obra SSF
37 55.54 286.8877 Emma Björner Production- L SWE U GDS
38 51.91 268.1665 Magnus Lilja Production- - SWE U lilja SSF
39 50.53 261.0063 David Olandersson Production- - SWE U GPIF
40 50.27 259.6870 Fredrik Bäckström Production- S SWE U luckyluke MSF
41 50.13 258.9601 Peter E Production- - SWE U pegasus P4 DS
42 49.60 256.2343 Henrik Andersson Production- S SWE U SäSF
43 49.14 253.8532 Anders Åkesson Production- S SWE U brian72 Security group dynamics
44 48.22 249.1015 Martin Beldau Production- S SWE U martinbe GDS (HPK)
45 47.12 243.3842 Kent Olsson Production- S SWE U GDS
46 46.90 242.2613 Fredrik Kihlgren Production- S SWE U jofrki Torups Pistolklubb
47 44.95 232.1881 Daniel Jonsson Production- - SWE U tsort GDS
48 41.23 212.9975 Erika Quist Production- L SWE U Jönköpings PK
49 38.98 201.3524 Fredrik Ekskog Production- S SWE U GPIF
50 38.07 196.6608 Jonaz Eriksson Production- - SWE C jayc Göteborgs Dynamiska Skyttar (GDS)
51 32.81 169.5048 Mattias Könönen Production- - SWE U matkon SGD
52 31.65 163.4876 Gunilla Abrahamsson Production- L SWE U gunster VSD
53 23.61 121.9627 S B Production- L SWE U
54 21.89 113.0539 Burim Haxhimehmedi Production- - SWE U GPiF
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