First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 591.7161 Jonas Forslund Standard+ - SWE U forsis SSF
2 85.86 508.0579 Henrik Berntson Standard- - SWE U punisher GPIF
3 77.61 459.2293 Mikael Janeman Standard+ S SWE U jman Jönköpings PK
4 76.56 452.9993 Albin Karlsson Standard- - SWE U smalben MSF
5 72.30 427.7900 Lars-Åke Ingemarsson Standard- SS SWE U 3gun Torup
6 71.76 424.6070 Patrik Fritzson Standard+ S SWE U SSF
7 68.00 402.3832 Mathias Johansson Standard- - SWE U johanzon ÄPK
8 65.67 388.6064 Jimmy Voimäki Standard- - SWE U voivoi UPSF
9 63.89 378.0429 Kristoffer Mann Standard- - SWE U GDS
10 52.04 307.9421 Petri Kljutschnik Standard- S SWE U blyspridarn SSF
11 51.20 302.9717 Tove Stillfjord Standard- L SWE U stillfjord UPSF
12 51.14 302.6159 Jörgen Sandberg Standard- S SWE U SäSF
13 47.37 280.3132 Fredrik Lewerth Standard- S SWE U I21/T3 Skytteförening
14 41.69 246.6868 Thomas Elehag Standard+ SS SWE U elis Säve psk
15 40.10 237.2885 Johan Lewerth Standard- - SWE U I21/T3 Skytteförening
16 37.09 219.4611 Rickard Rosengren Standard- - SWE U VSD
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