First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 506.1172 Vinko Rosic Production- S SWE U vince Stockholms LVF
2 86.83 439.4775 Fredrik Lindqvist Production- S SWE U Stockholms LVF
3 84.02 425.2316 Mathias Wattenström Production- S SWE U mawa Sthlm M&P
4 82.64 418.2715 Anders P Production- S SWE U lanyc Stockholms LVF
5 81.46 412.2616 Mikael K Production- S SWE U kaggemos TSKF
6 79.61 402.9101 Anders Bergsten Production- S SWE U musslan Livgardets skytteförening
7 72.47 366.7707 Gustav Dahlin Production- S SWE U TSKF
8 66.47 336.4123 Reine Oxfält Production- S SWE U oxen SMGC
9 53.05 268.5044 Björn Strååt Production- S SWE U RPS
10 35.32 178.7747 Lars Ishäll Production- S SWE U Stockholms LVF
11 30.85 156.1150 Fredrik Pejlert Production- S SWE U fpt Rosersberg
12 21.50 108.8324 Peter Hammarström Production- S SWE U Stockholm LVF
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