First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 535.6196 Andreas Kjøniksen Production- - NOR - kjoand HPI
2 90.14 482.8301 André Holt Production- - NOR - anholt HPI
3 88.16 472.1892 Gunnar Lie Sandbæk Production- S NOR - gundis Råde Pistollag
4 87.52 468.7725 Thomas Sørensen Production- - NOR - exitman FSSD
5 81.78 438.0174 Nils Knut Lindbo Production- SS NOR - urogallus HPI
6 79.28 424.6433 Magnus Nordby Production- - NOR -
7 69.24 370.8436 Aksel Jahre Mustaparta Production- - NOR - nappern FSSD
8 68.09 364.7199 Aleksander Pedersen Production- - NOR - Hamar Praktiske Skyttere
9 67.58 361.9719 Lars Erik Høgstad Production- - NOR - Notodden Pistolklubb
10 62.61 335.3271 Alexander Jørge Thorgersen Production- - USA -
11 59.37 318.0020 Joakim Halden Production- - NOR - merrimen HPI
12 56.23 301.1960 Petter Joachim Joachimsen Production- S USA -
13 50.98 273.0675 Ernst Petter Axelsen Production- S NOR - ASK
14 35.03 187.6382 Håvard Ellingsen Production- - NOR - Aron SK
15 29.89 160.1004 Sandra Ingeborg Olsen Barikmo Production- L NOR - Notodden Pistolklubb
16 29.61 158.5956 André Kinnerud Production- - NOR - jankin Hokksund Pistolklubb
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