First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 541.4265 Timmermans Vincent Production Optics- - BEL U GUN CLUB
2 99.17 536.9512 Elmar Goffin Production Optics- - DEU U recoilrebel IPSC Gun Club
3 90.62 490.6522 Ahmed Daouk Production Optics- - DEU U HBQ Shooting Team
4 89.10 482.3870 Lucas-Janosch Reiß Production Optics- - DEU U Ssv Odendorf
5 87.60 474.2999 Semi Bayoudh Production Optics- S DEU U WPSC
6 87.11 471.6402 David Hamann Production Optics- - DEU U SSV Odendorf e.V.
7 86.63 469.0547 Helmut Friedrich Production Optics- S DEU U IPSC Gun Club
8 75.03 406.2229 Christian Rehse Production Optics- - DEU U chriscologne 1473 Bonn
9 69.90 378.4658 Hubert Wolf Production Optics- SS DEU U
10 69.39 375.6990 Christian Hörz Production Optics- - DEU U BDS Gruppe Polch
11 67.22 363.9232 Oliver Stetefeld Production Optics- - DEU U Gun Club Osnabrück
12 65.77 356.0904 Jens Knoche Production Optics- - DEU U IPSC Gun Club
13 60.27 326.3245 Jens Schulte Production Optics- - DEU U Smokin´Barrel Gun Club
14 59.62 322.8224 Dirk Erdrich Production Optics- - DEU U Magnum Bonn
15 55.37 299.8002 Michael Enkel Production Optics- S DEU U 1473 Bonn
16 48.97 265.1208 Steffi Weber Production Optics- L DEU U 1473 Bonn
17 47.93 259.5226 Alexander Kenfenheuer Production Optics- SS DEU U alexander Bonn 1473
18 47.33 256.2321 Jürgen Ruhrmann Production Optics- - DEU U Smokin'Barrel Gun Club
19 44.64 241.7160 Dirk Bitterlich Production Optics- S DEU U Jabba Hunter Squad
20 35.18 190.4994 Sonja Barkey Production Optics- LS DEU U Jabba Hunter Squad
21 25.70 139.1399 Jessica Schulte Production Optics- L DEU U Smokin´ Barrel Gun Club
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