First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 474.3000 Semi Bayoudh Production Optics- S DEU U WPSC
2 98.89 469.0547 Helmut Friedrich Production Optics- S DEU U IPSC Gun Club
3 79.79 378.4659 Hubert Wolf Production Optics- SS DEU U
4 63.21 299.8003 Michael Enkel Production Optics- S DEU U 1473 Bonn
5 54.72 259.5227 Alexander Kenfenheuer Production Optics- SS DEU U alexander Bonn 1473
6 50.96 241.7160 Dirk Bitterlich Production Optics- S DEU U Jabba Hunter Squad
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