First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 545.9262 Wout van Mieghem Production- - BEL U GUN GLUB Belgium
2 97.01 529.6000 Khaled Daouk Production- - DEU U khaled HBQ Shooting Team
3 94.51 515.9811 Nicolas Van der Linden Production- - BEL U GUN
4 82.27 449.1456 Yasin Yasar Production- - DEU U Schützenverein Langenfeld 1834 e.V.
5 80.90 441.6658 Mathias Zimmermann Production- - DEU U Seven Hills Gun Club e.V. (7HGC e.V.)
6 79.29 432.8581 Oliver Matußek Production- - DEU U WPSC
7 76.66 418.5194 Chris Kann Production- - DEU U 1473
8 64.57 352.5224 Ingo Foster Production- S DEU U tst 1473 Bonn
9 64.55 352.4073 Dennis Buch Production- - DEU U Seven Hills gun club
10 61.58 336.1840 Konstantinos Kanakaris Production- S DEU U 1473 Bonn St. Sebastianus Schützenbruderschaft
11 58.77 320.8185 Jonathan Schade Production- - DEU U Wegberg Practical Shooting Club
12 55.76 304.4196 Thorsten Wirz Production- - DEU U Gun Club Cologne
13 54.69 298.5912 Mirko Eckrich Production- S DEU U Kravolution Shooting Division e.V.
14 52.22 285.0750 Daniel Gieseler Production- - DEU U Seven Hills Gun Club
15 41.18 224.8181 Alexandra Kanakaris Production- L DEU U St. Sebastianus Schützenbruderschaft 1473
16 38.68 211.1541 Ernst Grassmann Production- S DEU U GKS
17 38.25 208.8230 Ruslans Orlovskis Production- S DEU U AP Precision
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