First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 846.1818 Sven Lundberg Standard+ - SWE U sven IPSC Västerås
2 92.15 779.7172 Patrik Svedlund Standard+ - SWE A 2fast4u BBSKF
3 91.32 772.7602 Lene Olaug Kråkø Standard+ L NOR U diligentia OKTS
4 89.13 754.2312 jonas renström Standard+ - SWE U jonas sandvikens psk
5 80.17 678.3900 Johan Skogh Standard- - SWE U Sandvikens PSK
6 78.10 660.8511 Lars Lindstedt Standard+ S SWE U limpan Sandvikens PK
7 77.36 654.5869 chris jonkers Standard+ - SWE U chijo GuDS
8 74.59 631.1779 Peter Rydell Standard+ - SWE U 2orm Uppsala
9 74.36 629.1973 Ronny Andreassen Standard- - SWE U matrix99 Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
10 73.90 625.3154 Mikael Dahlberg Standard+ - SWE U mida BBSKF
11 71.40 604.1518 Fredrik Sunnermark Standard+ - SWE U qarlzon S:t Eskils Skyttar
12 68.20 577.1195 Lars-Göran Dehlin Standard- - SWE U larsa IPSC Sandviken
13 66.69 564.3373 Kim Hansson Standard+ - SWE U sylta Södertörns SK
14 65.89 557.5175 Alexander Ellstrom Standard- - SWE U gunbad BBSKF
15 65.50 554.2878 Hans Olof Söderling Standard- - SWE U RJPS
16 61.12 517.1805 Michael Stigstedt Standard+ - SWE U se825 Wira IPSC
17 60.86 514.9695 Kevork Normanian Standard- - SWE U kevno Ballongberget
18 60.08 508.3675 Karl Håkansson Standard- - SWE U kelle Uppsala Handeldvapenförening
19 56.87 481.2096 Kent Kumpula Standard- - SWE U kentk Uppsala Dynamiska Skyttar
20 55.82 472.3258 Gabriel Hübinette Standard- - SWE U cerastes Uds
21 53.23 450.4157 Fredrik Thyden Standard+ - SWE U frippe2011 BBSKF
22 51.28 433.9324 Konstantin Chow Standard- - SWE U konta Ballongberget
23 48.64 411.5823 Peter Wanderoy Standard- - SWE U pwanderoy UDS
24 47.93 405.5740 Mathias Brännvall Standard+ - SWE U beaver UDS
25 47.83 404.7560 Vladimir Veanes Steiner Standard- - SWE U steiner BBSKF
26 47.64 403.0968 Jonas Eriksson Standard- - SWE U leadmonger UPS
27 41.86 354.2320 John Lindman Standard- - SWE U Åby SK
28 40.88 345.9340 Marcus Hahn Standard- - SWE U sucram Ballongbergets SKF
29 38.13 322.6268 Frédéric Kayat Standard- - SWE U fgk BBSKF
30 36.62 309.8809 Joachim Péru Standard- - SWE U peru Ärna Skyttegille
31 34.75 294.0691 Magnus Palmstierna Eckhéll Standard+ - SWE U eckhell GUDS
32 22.77 192.6417 Anders Thim Standard- S SWE C reloadertoo Rosersberg PK
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