First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 850.8129 Sean O'Donovan Standard+ SS ZAF A GCity
2 91.40 777.6277 Freddie Labuschagne Standard+ S ZAF A freddie
3 90.14 766.9598 Nick Wesley Smuts Standard- S ZAF B CG1278
4 87.39 743.5581 Neelesh Dullabh Standard- S ZAF U golden city
5 73.08 621.7331 Colin Amm Standard+ SS ZAF U GOLDEN CITY
6 69.44 590.8019 Michael Zervogiannis Standard+ S ZAF U Vtpsa
7 58.82 500.4875 Enver Tim Standard+ GS ZAF C golden city
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