First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 781.6071 Garrett-John Evans Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF U 3173 Golden City Shooting Club
2 98.29 768.2086 Edwin Vermeulen Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF U edwin Golden City
3 96.85 757.0249 Shameem Dadamia Open+ - ZAF C Golden city
4 96.14 751.3988 Lehan Potgieter Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF U minicane Golden City
5 95.57 746.9448 Warren Bonheim Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF U Golden City
6 94.81 741.0550 Frans Pieterse Custom- S ZAF A french Golden City
7 94.04 735.0340 Neil Taylor Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZWE A tayls PMPSC
8 93.87 733.6890 Wesley Visser Pistol Caliber Carbine- - USA U Premier Shooting Club
9 93.46 730.5123 Dylan Kent Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF U GC
10 92.38 722.0316 Lehan Potgieter Production Optics- - ZAF U minicane Golden City
11 91.64 716.2458 Theunus O'Kelly Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZWE U Border combat club
12 91.55 715.6001 Christopher Hanscombe Open+ - ZAF A GC
13 90.62 708.3168 Frans Pieterse Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZAF A french Golden City
14 90.50 707.3393 Garrett-John Evans Optics- - ZAF U 3173 Golden City Shooting Club
15 90.29 705.7050 Kenny Van Der Merwe Custom- SS ZWE A Golden City
16 88.67 693.0232 Glen Kruger Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF U Golden city
17 88.30 690.1203 Tiaan Gildenhuys Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZWE U Kameeldoring
18 85.97 671.9488 Pieter Bouwer Open+ S ZAF A pieter Golden City
19 85.53 668.4786 Sasha-Lee Du Plessis Optics- L ZAF U sash Golden City Shooting Club
20 85.35 667.1192 Eddie Smith Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZAF A Golden City
21 84.15 657.7010 Larry Class Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZAF C Golden City
22 83.37 651.6580 Jean Engelbrecht Standard+ S ZWE A BRSC
23 82.75 646.8189 Kenny Van Der Merwe Pistol Caliber Carbine- SS ZWE A Golden City
24 82.11 641.8061 Irving Stevenson Pistol Caliber Carbine- GS ZWE U Ngodwana 3 gun club
25 81.77 639.1341 Christopher Hanscombe Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF A Gc
26 80.04 625.5712 Sasha-Lee Du Plessis Pistol Caliber Carbine- L ZAF U sash Golden City Shooting Club
27 80.02 625.4456 Herman Gildenhuys Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZWE C Kameeldoring
28 79.63 622.3855 Jacques Swanepoel Optics- - ZAF U Golden City
29 79.30 619.8252 Herman Potgieter Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZAF U harrycane Golden City
30 77.76 607.7685 Justin Bohler Production Optics- - ZAF A Golden City
31 77.68 607.1871 Andrea Stevenson Pistol Caliber Carbine- L ZWE U Vector
32 76.95 601.4178 Pravesh Magan Open+ - ZAF B Golden City
33 76.78 600.1175 Herman Potgieter Production Optics- S ZAF U harrycane Golden City
34 76.12 594.9852 Neale Goddard Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZAF U Golden City
35 75.90 593.2545 Glen Kruger Production Optics- - ZAF U Golden city
36 73.76 576.4913 Shaun Esterhuizen Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZWE C Double Tap
37 73.16 571.7915 Pieter Van Wyk Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZWE U piet NG857(Premier)
38 72.85 569.4260 Warren Bonheim Production Optics- - ZAF U Golden City
39 72.67 568.0289 Carel Booyens Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZWE C Guns@work
40 72.43 566.1323 Carlo Belletti Open+ GS ZAF U Goldencity
41 71.69 560.3187 Feroz (Faheem ) Daya Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZWE A feroz Golden City
42 71.55 559.2085 Andy Charalambous Custom- SS ZWE U Spartan Arms
43 71.14 556.0589 Justin Roux Open+ - ZWE U Kameeldoring
44 71.00 554.9324 Wyn Robertson Production Optics- S ZWE A win Golden city
45 70.32 549.6200 Jay Ferreira Production Optics- - ZAF B Golden City
46 69.96 546.8183 Jay Cellier Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZWE U pccirons Sosc
47 68.75 537.3571 Edwin Vermeulen Standard+ - ZAF U edwin Golden City
48 68.57 535.9273 Andre Barnard Standard+ - ZWE U mrb Guns@Work
49 68.35 534.2333 Darryl Jay Claassen Production Optics- - ZAF U darryl Golden City
50 68.03 531.7427 Dewald Brits Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
51 67.83 530.1484 Kirsty Bohler Production Optics- L ZAF B Golden City
52 66.97 523.4509 Marlin Kops Production Optics- - ZWE U Golden City
53 66.38 518.8137 Billy Pieterse Pistol Caliber Carbine- SS ZAF C billy Golden City
54 65.76 514.0171 James Selwyn Vaughan Open+ GS ZAF C jimv Roodepoort
55 65.56 512.4521 Louis Lombard Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
56 64.70 505.7316 Martin Potgieter Production- - ZAF U Golden City
57 63.44 495.8249 Joel Cohen Open+ GS ZAF A Golden City
58 63.35 495.1840 Claudio Massella Open+ SS ZAF C Roodepoort
59 62.16 485.8376 Karin Booyens Pistol Caliber Carbine- LS ZWE U Guns@Work
60 62.07 485.1675 Gideon Carstens Production- S ZAF A kassie Golden City
61 61.19 478.2608 Theo Badenhorst Open- S ZWE C Guns@Work
62 60.87 475.7260 Dawood Dadamia Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
63 60.08 469.6057 Moosa Mangera Standard+ - ZAF A Golden City
64 59.61 465.9458 Mark Atkins Production Optics- S ZAF A Golden City
65 59.17 462.4379 Coert Erasmus Pistol Caliber Carbine- SS ZAF B Golden City
66 58.98 461.0230 Wayne Hammond Production- SS ZAF A rogue Golden City
67 58.74 459.0781 Fanie Otto Production- S ZWE B Wolwehoek Shooting Club
68 58.28 455.5330 Dean Cassojee Production Optics- - ZAF U deanie Golden City
69 56.36 440.5508 Neelesh Dullabh Standard- S ZAF U golden city
70 56.31 440.1047 Gafoor Hoosein Classic- S ZAF A gaff Golden City
71 56.11 438.5333 MariƩ Brummer Open+ L ZWE C Guns@Work
72 55.73 435.5824 Johan Swanepoel Pistol Caliber Carbine- S ZAF U RPSC
73 54.58 426.5947 William Harris Production- S ZAF C william Golden City
74 54.57 426.5540 Peter Williams Production Optics- S ZAF U Roodepoort
75 54.48 425.8177 Marius de Wet Production- S ZWE U Roodepoort IPSC
76 53.35 417.0219 Larry Class Production Optics- S ZAF C Golden City
77 52.66 411.5638 Rahul Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U golden city
78 51.82 405.0362 Coert Erasmus Production- SS ZAF B Golden City
79 51.31 401.0235 cHris Marais Open+ GS ZAF B Goldencity
80 50.49 394.6362 Neale Goddard Production Optics- S ZAF B Golden City
81 50.33 393.3984 Keith Askham Open+ GS ZAF C jetjungle Golden City
82 49.97 390.5773 David Kazakov Production- - ZAF U Golden City
83 49.74 388.7979 Bernadette Remacle Standard+ L ZAF U Golden City
84 48.94 382.4854 Zayd Cassojee Production- SJ ZAF U zaydo golden city
85 48.03 375.4078 Bardev Rowjee Open- GS ZAF C Golden City Shooting Club
86 46.74 365.3395 Martin Le Roux Standard- S ZAF C Roodepoort
87 46.65 364.6048 Colin De Souza Classic- SS ZAF C Golden City
88 46.59 364.1780 Stevin Labuschagne Classic- - ZAF U Golden City 1863
89 45.01 351.7928 Robert Kimm Optics- SS ZAF U Roodeport
90 44.24 345.7778 Shyam Jagwanth Production- S ZAF C Golden City
91 41.64 325.4533 Etienne Francois Bekker Standard- SS ZAF U golden city
92 41.57 324.9523 Brent Africa Production- S ZAF U Golden City
93 39.16 306.1122 Michael Zervogiannis Standard+ S ZWE U Vtpsa
94 37.75 295.0752 Steven Barrett Standard- S ZAF U Golden City
95 36.86 288.1256 Enver Tim Standard+ GS ZAF C golden city
96 35.70 279.0017 Richard Van Der Walt Production Optics- S ZAF U Golden city Shooting club
97 34.31 268.2050 Johan Esterhuizen Production- S ZAF U Roodepoort
98 33.52 261.9842 Sudesh Hansrajh Production- - ZAF U sudesh Golden City
99 31.93 249.5539 Malcolm Cox Optics- SS ZAF U Golden City
100 27.45 214.5528 Mohamed Riaz Subaya Standard- - ZAF C peppa Golden City
101 25.80 201.6687 Sean Moffett Standard- SS ZAF U 4801105045089 Golden City
102 9.50 74.2265 Gideon Joubert Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
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