First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 852.3029 Shameem Dadamia Open+ - ZAF C Golden city
2 95.12 810.7516 Christopher Hanscombe Open+ - ZAF A GC
3 88.88 757.5270 Pieter Bouwer Open+ S ZAF A pieter Golden City
4 79.33 676.0944 Pravesh Magan Open+ - ZAF B Golden City
5 74.65 636.2785 Carlo Belletti Open+ GS ZAF U Goldencity
6 72.93 621.5877 Justin Roux Open+ - ZWE U Kameeldoring
7 71.28 607.4790 Dewald Brits Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
8 67.88 578.5404 James Selwyn Vaughan Open+ GS ZAF C jimv Roodepoort
9 65.55 558.6575 Joel Cohen Open+ GS ZAF A Golden City
10 64.78 552.1109 Claudio Massella Open+ SS ZAF C Roodepoort
11 63.74 543.2574 Theo Badenhorst Open- S ZWE C Guns@Work
12 63.10 537.8163 Dawood Dadamia Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
13 57.93 493.7636 MariƩ Brummer Open+ L ZWE C Guns@Work
14 53.39 455.0190 Rahul Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U golden city
15 52.98 451.5357 cHris Marais Open+ GS ZAF B Goldencity
16 52.38 446.4123 Keith Askham Open+ GS ZAF C jetjungle Golden City
17 49.69 423.5075 Bardev Rowjee Open- GS ZAF C Golden City Shooting Club
18 10.02 85.4124 Gideon Joubert Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
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