First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 862.5185 Jean Engelbrecht Standard+ S ZWE A BRSC
2 82.54 711.9200 Edwin Vermeulen Standard+ - ZAF U edwin Golden City
3 82.25 709.3813 Andre Barnard Standard+ - ZWE U mrb Guns@Work
4 78.41 676.3035 Louis Lombard Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
5 71.59 617.4701 Moosa Mangera Standard+ - ZAF A Golden City
6 68.26 588.7815 Neelesh Dullabh Standard- S ZAF U golden city
7 59.89 516.5577 Bernadette Remacle Standard+ L ZAF U Golden City
8 56.25 485.1468 Martin Le Roux Standard- S ZAF C Roodepoort
9 50.07 431.8842 Etienne Francois Bekker Standard- SS ZAF U golden city
10 46.77 403.3719 Michael Zervogiannis Standard+ S ZWE U Vtpsa
11 46.15 398.0383 Steven Barrett Standard- S ZAF U Golden City
12 44.41 383.0324 Enver Tim Standard+ GS ZAF C golden city
13 32.23 277.9521 Mohamed Riaz Subaya Standard- - ZAF C peppa Golden City
14 31.17 268.8174 Sean Moffett Standard- SS ZAF U 4801105045089 Golden City
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