First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 806.2430 Martin Potgieter Production- - ZAF U Golden City
2 96.76 780.1375 Gideon Carstens Production- S ZAF A kassie Golden City
3 92.73 747.6423 Fanie Otto Production- S ZWE B Wolwehoek Shooting Club
4 92.15 742.9440 Wayne Hammond Production- SS ZAF A rogue Golden City
5 84.62 682.2700 Marius de Wet Production- S ZWE U Roodepoort IPSC
6 84.27 679.3834 William Harris Production- S ZAF C william Golden City
7 80.98 652.9133 Coert Erasmus Production- SS ZAF B Golden City
8 77.75 626.8210 David Kazakov Production- - ZAF U Golden City
9 76.31 615.2095 Zayd Cassojee Production- SJ ZAF U zaydo golden city
10 67.99 548.1335 Shyam Jagwanth Production- S ZAF C Golden City
11 64.17 517.4022 Brent Africa Production- S ZAF U Golden City
12 52.92 426.6763 Johan Esterhuizen Production- S ZAF U Roodepoort
13 52.10 420.0138 Sudesh Hansrajh Production- - ZAF U sudesh Golden City
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