First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 567.2185 Rene Mortensen Standard- - DNK U boggieman sjælland
2 98.07 556.2800 Mads Andersen Standard+ - DNK U ghettopytlick
3 94.10 533.7460 Jess Lund Standard- - DNK U jess
4 93.63 531.0970 Steen Pico Nielsen Standard- S DNK U pico
5 90.82 515.1330 Carsten Samuelsen Standard- - DNK U Sjaelland
6 90.17 511.4800 Jan Bodé Standard- - DNK U SSIN
7 89.62 508.3670 Finn Pedersen Standard- - DNK B kobmand
8 84.95 481.8280 Michael Løye Standard- - DNK U gr8dane SAS
9 81.76 463.7605 Claus Stahnke Standard- - DNK U bengunn SKL
10 75.97 430.9085 hans jörgen jensen Standard- SS DNK U hjj39 ssin
11 71.33 404.6150 Jesper Helmersen Standard- - DNK U SSIN
12 71.26 404.2080 Per Bressendorff Standard- S DNK U bressendorff SSIN
13 68.42 388.0815 Per Roy Hansen Standard- - DNK U SAS
14 66.22 375.5925 Henrik Bech Standard- - DNK U evig SSIN
15 63.00 357.3435 Jan Leth-Espensen Standard- - DNK U SSIN
16 54.70 310.2740 kenneth christensen Standard- - DNK U slagelse
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