First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 531.0947 Bartholin Open+ - DNK U bartholin Ssin
2 97.90 519.9495 Lars Hagemann Production- - DNK GM hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
3 95.57 507.5711 Michael Gjelsø Open+ - DNK U cossie BVS/CPS
4 91.46 485.7470 Rasmus Saxild Standard- - DNK U xfire CPS
5 85.53 454.2482 Lasse Nielsen Production- - DNK U 007 TEAM CPS
6 81.87 434.7999 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK U SSIN
7 81.61 433.4478 Tobias Lund Open+ - DNK U SSIN
8 80.74 428.7951 Henrik Lerfeldt Standard- S DNK U bookkeeper SSIN
9 80.28 426.3748 Flemming NotKnown Open+ S DNK U ssin
10 79.82 423.9002 Heidi NotKnown Open+ L DNK U ssin
11 76.05 403.8859 Claus Stahnke Standard- S DNK U bengunn SSIN
12 75.81 402.6149 Christian Ditlev Jensen Production- - DNK U stagebum Copenhagen Practical Shooters
13 74.23 394.2479 Torben G. Skjoldborg Standard- - DNK U tgs SSIN
14 72.61 385.6485 Jens Christian Heltø Production- - DNK U Copenhagen Practical Shooters
15 70.53 374.5744 Ulrik Saxhøj Production- - DNK U jafro Slagelse
16 68.40 363.2672 Jack Rømer Production- - DNK U theripper Copenhagen Practical Shooters
17 66.88 355.1845 Troels Lenda Production- - DNK U troels Akademisk
18 65.96 350.3078 Morten Juul Andersen Production- - DNK U CPS
19 65.59 348.3267 Jan Bolvig Andersen Standard- S DNK U CPS
20 61.75 327.9292 Thomas Kirk Standard- - DNK U kirk Kjøbenhavns Skytteforening
21 61.51 326.6817 Michael Low Production- - DNK U czmike SSIN
22 60.46 321.0927 Thomas Andersen Production- - DNK U pingo SSIN
23 59.37 315.3261 Jacob Larsen Production- - DNK U
24 57.04 302.9247 Jacob Hatt Production- - DNK U Distrikt IX
25 56.11 298.0148 Jørgen Rigtrup Open+ S DNK U KBH
26 55.76 296.1333 Jan Guldbrandsen Standard- - DNK U SSIN
27 55.01 292.1592 Mark Weisinger Standard- S DNK U mark1 CPS
28 54.87 291.4040 Jesper Themsen Production- S DNK U CPS
29 53.60 284.6470 Aleksander Tchernavskij Production- - DNK U SSIN
30 52.82 280.5097 Christian Jørgensen Standard- - DNK U Holbæk Skytteforening
31 51.13 271.5595 Michael Munkholm Production- - DNK U
32 50.70 269.2584 Dennis Martlev Production- - DNK U CPS
33 49.38 262.2679 Jan Hofman Classic+ - DNK U Københavns Sportsskytte Klub
34 47.86 254.1797 Nick Ravn Production- - DNK U SSIN
35 45.59 242.1082 Lars Fuglsang Standard- - DNK U cps
36 45.15 239.8153 Michael Stefansen Production- - DNK U stefansen SIF
37 45.13 239.6725 Coskun Aktas Standard- - DNK U thino KS
38 40.96 217.5432 John Cramer Production- - DNK U PI Copenhagen
39 36.50 193.8619 Tejs Berthelsen Open- - DNK U CPS
40 36.46 193.6564 Hans Jorgen Jensen Revolver+ SS DNK U hjj39 ssin
41 35.33 187.6325 Klaus Andreasen Production- - DNK U SSIN
42 35.01 185.9282 Peter Nystrup Mortensen Production- - DNK U Dynamic Shooting CPH
43 16.89 89.6825 Rasmus Sabroe Production- - DNK U
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