First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 556.2540 Christian Ditlev Jensen Production- - DNK U stagebum Copenhagen Practical Shooters
2 93.52 520.2097 Heidi NotKnown Open+ L DNK U ssin
3 92.16 512.6478 Rasmus Saxild Standard- - DNK U xfire CPS
4 90.14 501.4099 Troels Lenda Production- - DNK U troels CPS
5 88.90 494.4912 Johan Mortensen Standard- - DNK U Akademisk Skytteforening Aarhus
6 79.27 440.9211 Jan Bolvig Andersen Standard- S DNK U pinkerton CPS
7 77.60 431.6444 Michael Stefansen Production- - DNK U stefansen SSIN
8 77.27 429.8362 Thomas Kirk Standard- - DNK U kirk Kjøbenhavns Skytteforening
9 68.46 380.8029 Leif Abildgaard Standard- - DNK U karlslunde skytteforening
10 66.48 369.8135 claus Sander Standard- S DNK U CPS
11 65.27 363.0810 Coskun Aktas Standard- - DNK U thino CPS
12 60.28 335.3317 Jane Thillerup Open- - DNK U CPS
13 54.62 303.8303 Henrik Lemming Revolver+ S DNK U slowhand CPS
14 53.81 299.3017 Finn Schroll Standard- - DNK U HSI
15 53.50 297.5728 Peter Boysen Classic- - DNK U HSI
16 52.54 292.2486 Ole Breiner Production- S DNK U Slagelse Skytteforening + CPS
17 50.38 280.2501 Kenneth Svendsgaard Production- - DNK U Cps
18 34.69 192.9719 Torben Recke Standard- - DNK U Krudtuglen
19 25.32 140.8513 Hans Jorgen Jensen Revolver- SS DNK U hjj39 ssin
20 24.78 137.8220 Jack Olsen Standard- - DNK U Krudtuglen
21 14.34 79.7500 Claus Guldfeldt Production- S DNK U CPS
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