First name
Last name
1 100.00 624.1765 Pär Hylander Open+ - SWE U hylander Laholms Psk
2 99.72 622.4164 Michael Gjelsø Open+ - DNK U cossie BVS/CPS
3 96.25 600.7603 Daniel Holmberg Open+ - SWE U rioter MSG
4 94.44 589.4968 Mats O. Bäckström Open+ - SWE U dalmas4 MSG
5 94.25 588.2791 Magnus Johansson Classic- - SWE U sigsauer Växjö PK
6 90.78 566.6177 Robert Börjesson Production- - SWE U rob79 GPIF
7 88.66 553.3709 Lars Hagemann Production- S DNK GM hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
8 88.10 549.8847 Peter Kastell Production- - SWE U kastell TPK
9 87.49 546.1036 Jack Rømer Classic- - DNK U theripper Copenhagen Practical Shooters
10 83.03 518.2576 Christian Ditlev Jensen Production- - DNK U stagebum Copenhagen Practical Shooters
11 82.06 512.2103 Søren Larsen Production- S DNK U wessel Ssin
12 81.24 507.0553 Mikael Jung Standard+ - SWE U jung Växjö-PK
13 79.34 495.2479 Jonas Ardemalm Production- - SWE U ard KullensPK
14 76.69 478.7105 Rasmus Saxild Standard- - DNK U xfire CPS
15 75.54 471.5247 Mats Karlsson Production- - SWE U yaps P7 Dynamiska
16 75.23 469.5680 Per Wiklander Standard- - SWE U lykantrop MSG
17 74.14 462.7677 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE U schultze MSG
18 72.09 449.9930 Faj Tran Classic+ - SWE GM fajsan KULLEN IPSC
19 70.05 437.2172 Peter Lundberg Standard- - SWE U astorx MSG
20 69.98 436.7849 Torben G. Skjoldborg Standard- S DNK U tgs SSIN
21 69.54 434.0786 Heidi NotKnown Open+ L DNK U ssin
22 69.24 432.2042 Troels Lenda Production- - DNK U troels CPS
23 69.08 431.1952 Erik Sandell Standard- - SWE U sandell Nybro PK
24 68.74 429.0544 Andreas Håkansson Standard- - SWE U hakis MSG IPSC
25 68.45 427.2597 Henrik Lenskjold Open+ S DNK U BVS
26 68.23 425.8652 Peter Ardemalm Production- - SWE U snakeeye Kullen PK
27 67.55 421.6109 Joakim Sand Production- - SWE U hamnarbetaren MSG
28 65.56 409.2176 Magnus Lindkvist Standard- - SWE U linkan KullensPK
29 65.36 407.9361 Jørgen Rigtrup Open+ - DNK U rigtrup CPS
30 65.29 407.5503 Ivan Slabiak Standard- - SWE U ajfan Kullens PK
31 63.85 398.5488 Niclas Seydlitz Standard- - SWE U bossebus Nybro PK
32 63.71 397.6566 Andreas Arvebrink Standard- - SWE U creacito Torups PK
33 63.47 396.1541 Roger Wysiecki Standard+ - SWE U majtii MSG
34 63.43 395.9437 Fredrik Plantin Production- - SWE U plantin P7 Dynamiska
35 62.41 389.5362 Roger Tiensuu Standard- S SWE C rogert IPSC Växjö
36 62.30 388.8864 Daniel Denwood Production- - SWE U doubledelta Kullens PK
37 62.00 387.0181 Rune Gulbrandsen Classic+ - SWE U dozer Växjö PK
38 61.65 384.8198 Martin Molin Production- - SWE U marmolin Kullens PK
39 61.10 381.3736 Peter Munk Andersen Standard- S DNK C alpha Frederiksberg
40 61.04 381.0201 Per Nilson Production- - SWE U per Caliber44 Skytteförening
41 60.19 375.7183 Tomas Hellström Standard+ - SWE U MSG
42 58.99 368.1959 Nicola Lo Presti Standard- - SWE U Lunds PK
43 58.89 367.6063 Niklas Ekblad Production- - SWE U ekblad MSG
44 58.85 367.3301 Henrik Hellman Production- - SWE U houke MSG Dynamiska
45 58.77 366.8176 Joakim Bossner Production- - SWE U bossner Kullens PK
46 58.73 366.5952 Jonatan Loman Production- - SWE U badbalder MSG
47 58.52 365.2587 Bartholin Open- - DNK U bartholin Ssin
48 58.43 364.7238 Roberth Friberg Production- - SWE U fribbe Kullens Pk
49 57.34 357.9007 Christer Palmquist Production- - SWE U trigger Kullens PK
50 57.31 357.7331 Dennis Martlev Production- - DNK U smartlev CPS
51 57.29 357.6074 Roy Weg Standard- - SWE U rwe MSG
52 56.95 355.4714 Olle Lindskog Revolver- - SWE U olle JPK
53 56.38 351.9016 Gert Nielsen Standard- S SWE D genie KullensPK
54 55.17 344.3540 Thomas Hjelm Classic- - SWE U ipscnooben Torup
55 54.44 339.8315 Filip Mårtensson Production- - SWE U fippe Ystads Dynamiska SKF
56 54.02 337.1828 Orjan Magnusson Open- S SWE U saccinappi Ystad
57 53.85 336.1176 Anders Zander Open- - SWE U masterwelder Kullens PK
58 53.72 335.2873 Tomas Svalö Production- - SWE U tomme Kullens pk
59 53.36 333.0720 Tobias Henriksson Standard- - SWE U monthe Torup PK
60 53.26 332.4568 Eddie Karlsson Revolver+ - SWE U silverjoker Kullens PK
61 52.87 330.0219 Thomas Persson Production- - SWE U pezon JPK
62 52.33 326.6288 Kristian Söderström Production- - SWE U macmyran Laholms PSK
63 52.19 325.7600 Johan Mastrell Standard- S DNK U medicinmand SSIN
64 51.60 322.0568 micke wessman Production- S SWE U bigflash kpk
65 51.58 321.9455 martin gunnarsson Classic+ - SWE U pontiac Kristianstad pk
66 51.33 320.3962 Christian Kronbäck Production- - SWE U Kristianstad IPSC
67 51.07 318.7716 Kent Holm Standard- S DNK U kent1 SSIN
68 50.01 312.1741 Göran Majvall Open+ S SWE U skaning MSG
69 49.78 310.7169 Magnus Kristensen Standard- - SWE U kristensen Torups Pk
70 49.73 310.3889 Fredrik Holmström Standard- - SWE U webley38 msg
71 48.60 303.3381 Kim Gustafsson Classic+ - SWE U mopargun Torups Pk
72 48.06 299.9763 Magnus Söderlind Standard- - SWE U manne Torup PK
73 47.98 299.4707 Linus Valquist Production- - SWE U P7 dynamiska
74 46.02 287.2361 Ole Victor Standard- S SWE U oahv Nybro PK
75 45.07 281.3226 Gabor Zalavari Production- - SWE U gabor Torup
76 44.56 278.1043 Stefan Övergaard Production- - SWE U ghostgaard Kullens PK
77 44.55 278.0810 Weine Samuelsson Open+ SS SWE U wesa Linköping Shooting Club
78 44.09 275.2105 Anders Sandberg Standard- - SWE U welder IPSC KRISTIANSTAD
79 43.92 274.1147 Magnus Appelkvist Production- - SWE U kapten IPSC Kristianstad
80 43.89 273.9350 Magnus Sjögren Standard- - SWE U Kristianstads PK
81 43.74 273.0427 Patrik Armbäck Production- - SWE U armisch Kullens PK
82 43.19 269.5678 Dan Berglund Production- - SWE C danvonberg Kullens PK
83 42.93 267.9573 Jhonny Blom Production- - SWE U jhonnyrehab Ystads Dskf
84 42.45 264.9718 Gerry Dahlgren Production- SS SWE U kgd52 Caliber 44 SKF
85 42.25 263.7263 Örjan Lindgren Production- - SWE U banarne357 MSG
86 39.93 249.2492 Bo Nilsson Production- S SWE U boskog msg
87 39.65 247.4822 Peter Andersson Production- - SWE U peppe Ystads Dynamsiak SKF
88 39.41 245.9637 Henrik Lemming Revolver+ S DNK U slowhand CPS
89 38.38 239.5548 Ivan Markus Standard- - SWE U smulan MSG
90 38.01 237.2454 David Diaz Production- - SWE U dad MSG
91 37.95 236.8768 Bertil Nilsson Standard- S SWE U grinchen MSG
92 36.60 228.4669 Johan Warholm Production- - SWE U hk81 Kullens PK
93 36.25 226.2751 Erika Härnström Revolver- - SWE U revolvergurl JPK
94 36.17 225.7742 Jonas Ljung Production- - SWE U P7 Dynamiska
95 36.05 225.0254 Per Ekelund Production- - SWE U ekis Malmö Skyttegille
96 35.02 218.6142 Claudio Hult Production- S SWE U zorro MSG
97 34.54 215.6072 Patric Gustafsson Classic+ S SWE U dronten Torups PK
98 33.88 211.4855 Madlene Ljungdahl Production- L SWE U maddefia IPSC Kristianstad
99 33.79 210.9009 Hans Jorgen Jensen Revolver+ SS DNK U hjj39 ssin
100 33.01 206.0691 Håkan Eklund Revolver+ - SWE U craw JönköpingsPk
101 30.95 193.2119 Kim Brink Production- - SWE U brink Kullens pk
102 30.79 192.1937 Thomas Åkesson Production- S SWE U thomas50 MSG
103 30.41 189.7990 Roger Westerlund Standard- - SWE U Kristianstad IPSC
104 30.36 189.5280 Jonas Nilsson Production- - SWE U jonnil79 MSG
105 29.64 185.0082 Per-Olof Emanuelsson Classic- SS SWE U axel Torups pk
106 29.63 184.9334 Anders Ottosson Classic+ SS SWE U Lunds PK
107 29.56 184.4914 Joakim Söderström Production- - SWE U Malmö
108 29.11 181.7187 Håkan Salvall Production- - SWE U salis MGS Dynamiska
109 26.76 167.0056 Kristina Nilsson Production- L SWE U slowfox MSG
110 26.39 164.6911 Dorothea Denwood Production- L SWE U dorothea Kullens PK
111 26.21 163.5754 Ulf Fousek Standard- S SWE U MSG
112 25.02 156.1586 Willhelm Lindgren Standard- - SWE U wille Kullens PK
113 23.08 144.0461 Jonas Månsson Standard- - SWE U laroy
114 17.52 109.3584 Fredrik Ljunggren Production- - SWE U Kullens PK
115 16.15 100.8189 Daniel Hansson Standard- - SWE U Kullens PK
116 4.42 27.5629 Tariq Mahmud Classic+ - SWE U check75pk Malmö skyttegille
117 4.21 26.2873 Daniel Stodola Open- - SWE U stodde MSG
118 0.00 0.0000 Jonas Persson Standard- - SWE U Lunds PK
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