results for Midt Norsk Vintercup 3

Open Standard Production Classic Combined compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 410.0000 Per Hansen Production- - NOR U perbh TFS
2 85.07 348.8053 Bjørn Håvard Steinnes Production- - NOR U Hølonda praktiske skyttere
3 73.03 299.4414 Karl Torkildsen Production- - NOR U karl TFS
4 71.42 292.8155 Sivert Berg Production- - NOR U sivert Trondheim Feltskyttere
5 60.84 249.4376 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Production- - NOR U moyesman Trondheim Feltskyttere
6 59.42 243.6228 Zoran Marjanovic Production- - NOR U TFS
7 56.81 232.9194 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- - NOR U gunrol TFS
8 49.62 203.4559 Trond Sørhøy Production- - NOR U tronds Trondheim Feltskyttere
9 49.42 202.6383 Holger Hallset Production- - NOR U holger Trondheim Feltskyttere
10 35.29 144.6757 john Marius Haldoslette Production- - NOR U TFS
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